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GASP!! Once again I am back. Wattpad is dyin' but we still get lit. I've been busy with marching band and all that gucci stuff. Anyways enjoy whatever nonsense I'm about to write.

        I saw them there, kissing. I hopped outta my car like a 1985 gangster. My fists were clenched in anger, and I walked up to Laurence's car. I knock on the window and they both jumped. He rolled the window down, fear in his eyes.
"What is this?!" I yelled.
"Aph, let me explain!" Laurence said stepping out of his car. He stepped up to me, cupping my face in his hands. "Aph, it's not what it looks like!" He says.
"Then what is it?" I ask, a tear falling down my face.
"Michi! She just kissed me! I swear!" I look past him to Michi. She gives a little wave and a smirk. My confusion and sadness is replaced with anger. I push past Laurence and drag Michi out of the car. I start yelling and swear at her. She just stands there with her arms crossed. I decided it was useless to talk to her, and I pulled Laurence into his car. "Katelyn can drive my car, let's go."
Without hesitation she starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

Sorry this one is short. I'll write another later.

Laurmau: Phoenix HighWhere stories live. Discover now