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Katelyn and I eat ridiculous amounts of pizza and talk about random stuff. She goes on and on about the dress she picked out for me. she talks and talks until she remembers something. I could tell, it just struck her,she gives me a puzzled look. "Did your mom mention anything about..a date..with my dad?" she asks before taking another bite of the greasy pizza from Italionos Pizzeria. I pause before answering, "Yeah, she did." I say, "It feels weird to think about it, but hey, that kinda makes us sisters!" "Yeah, I guess you're right." she says, "We better get going, cause you have a date with Laurrrreeencee~!" she teases me and I can't help but to retaliate, "It's not a date....I think." "suuuuree." she says. We drives me home, and she seems to be in a better mood. I get out, wave goodbye, then walk inside. It's about 7:00 pm so my mom is already gone, and Laurence should be here in about an hour. I go upstairs and take out the strapless dress Katelyn picked out. I slide into it and put the heels on that she also picked out. I continue my routine until I'm finished. I hear a knock on the door. That's probably Laurence, I take a deep breathe and open the door. Laurence stands there gazing back at me with his sparkling blue eyes. "Wow Aph, you look great!" he says. "Thanks." I smile and he takes my hand. We reach his freshly cleaned black hybrid, and he opens the door for me. He gets in his side and starts the car smiling at me. We get about 5 miles down the road, his hand slides over to mine. He quickly moves it and apologizes, "S-sorry." He says. "It's alright," I smile, "I like it there."

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