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Laurance holds my hand tight as we pull into drive-in movie parking. He gazes deep into my eyes ignoring the screening. I give him a nervous smile and turn back to the screen. I hear him sigh, and I try to relax a little. Nobody is really here except for a few people. We sit in a blanket a further away from everyone else. The movie isn't very interesting and I find myself zoning out at times. Laurence rests his hand on mine, and heat rises to my cheeks. His phone rings. "Sorry, gotta take this," he says then walks to the parking lot. I fix my hair and look around at other groups of people. I look to my left and spot familiar red hair. Next to the red headed girl sits a tall guy with dark blue hair. Nicole and Dante. I snap a picture and send it to Katelyn. "Look who's here," I send.  Moments later Laurence comes back and again holds my hand. I give his hand a quick squeeze then rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and holds me closer. He looks deep into my eyes as if looking for something.
Cliff hanger. Eh this is like only 200 words but whateva I'll write longer ones next time.

Laurmau: Phoenix HighWhere stories live. Discover now