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I wake up still groggy from my restless sleep. As much as I don't wanna go to school today I'm going anyways. Besides, it's the only place I get to see Laurence for now. He doesn't have anytime to come over because he's packing and stuff. Guess we're all going somewhere this summer. I just shake that thought, no need for bad vibes at a time of enjoyment. I get dressed and head downstairs. Katelyn, Eric and Mom wait downstairs with breakfast. "Morning Aph," Katelyn says as I take a seat next to her. I just nod at her and start to eat my pancakes. This morning is kinda slow. No one is really talking, but it'll be alright I guess. Once Katelyn and I finish eating we head for the door. "Bye Mom," I say then walk out to Katelyn's car. Katelyn and I drive to school in silence. 

    We get to school and I immediately look for Laurence. I scan around the student parking lot until I finally see him. But, who's he standing next to? Is that uh, Michi?

 "I'm gonna go talk to Laurence," I tell Kate then start walking towards Laurence. Michi spots me before I can open my mouth to talk to Laurence. 

"And just what do you think you're doing here?" Michi says with her hands on her hips. "Talking to my boyfriend, or trying to rather." I say not realising what I've just said. 

"B-boyfriend?" Laurence says. My face turns red but I try to keep my composure. "Y-yeah that's right, boyfriend. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be walking to class with MY boyfriend now." I grab Laurence's hand and hit Michi with my hair when I turn around.

 "So we're a bit sassy this morning are we?" Laurence ask nudging my shoulder. "I was just making my point." I say laughing. "Point made.......So boyfriend?"

   "UH I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE SO STERN ABOUT THAT. O-ONLY IF YOU WANNA BE MY BOYFRIEND" I say all in one breath. "Yeah, I'd like that." He says. I blush and lean on his shoulder. "Walk me to class?" I ask and he nods.

Laurence walks me to class and I take my seat. Katelyn waves at me. "Hey," she says, "1 more day after this and we're home free." 

"Yeah, I can't wait for vacation!" I say. 

"Me either," she says, "It's gonna be so fun!"

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