Phoenix High: Kawaii Chan's house

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p.o.v. Laurence

Aphmau gets in the car and gives me a thumbs up. I start going down the road at 35mph. When we get to Kawaii~Chans house everyone is outside waiting outside. we all get out of the car. 

Garroth: What took you so long?

Aph: I had to ask my mom if I could come. Yeah she's that type.

KC: Well come in already, but dont go in the basement please.

Aph: Ummmmm.........ok.

Kawaii Chan invites us in.Everything is pink as usual. We all take a seat. There are sweets everywhere.

I sit there glancing at Aphmau every few seconds. I cant help but stare into her big brown eyes. They glisten in the moon light. N-Not that stare at them in the moonlight or anything. Ughhhhh sometimes I even think weirdly. I lean back in  my seat and I see a door. Through the door you can see what looks like red candle light..................................

Laurmau: Phoenix HighWhere stories live. Discover now