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Laurence leans in closer and I can hear his heart beating fast. He puts his lips to mine. I feel fire in my cheeks and ears. When we pull away he gazes into my eyes. "Hey Aph!" Someone shouts and I almost fall over dead. "Oh, hey, Nicole," I say. "I didn't see you there." She and Dante sit next to me and smile. "You here with Laurence?" She asks nudging at my shoulder. "Um, yeah," I say, "Are you here with Dante or his he just annoying?" Her cheeks heat up and she nods. "Oh well, Look at the time! 10:30 Nicole I gotta take you home!" Dante says frantically. Nicole rolls her eyes and walks with Dante to his car.
  Once the movie is over Laurence takes me home. There isn't much talk between us on the way. "Bye, Laurence," I say then walk inside. I'm not surprised Mom isn't home yet. I go up to my room and try to get some sleep.
  I wake up and look at my clock, 12:30 a.m. Katelyn is sitting downstairs watching t.v. "When did you get here?" "Around 10:00," she says "I saw you were asleep so I just sat down here." "So, did my mom come in?" I ask. "Yeah, I told my dad I would stay here tonight." She laughs, "I'm never gonna get used to them." "Me either," I say then sit next to her. "So how'd it go with Laurence?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "Good." I say, "we kissed.." She laughs and then continues watching t.v.
For next for hours Katelyn and I watch t.v. until we both fall asleep.

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