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       It's finally the last week of school, and I'm so ready to get it over with. Summer here I come. So, last night I woke up on the couch, but we all went upstairs because Eric and Mom were being totally gross. Not to be rude, but I'm still not comfortable with the fact of her dating again. Anyways, we all just talked about what we are doing during summer.   

 "I think I'll stick around town, I don't know, whatever dad wants to do," Katelyn says. I nod at her, then look over to Laurence who is fiddling with his fingers. "Laurence?" I ask. He looks up at me, and makes an effort to look me in the eyes. Katelyn leans in closer, "Talk,' she says firmly. 

    Laurence takes a deep breathe, then looks at both of us. "I'm gonna be out of the country for  summer," he says. "How long will you be gone?" I ask taking his hand. "I leave in a week, and I won't be back until the end of July," he says.

   "So, you're leaving in a week, I say, "When were you planning on telling me," I ask. "Uh, I 'll leave you two alone for a while,' Katelyn says, then she leaves my room in a hurry. 

    "Aph, I was gonna tell you, I just didn't know how," Laurence says. I was more sad than angry at him. I thought we were gonna spend all summer together, but now I see I was wrong. " I love you," I say not thinking at all, but just doing. Laurence looks confused at first, but then his expression softens. 

"Aphmau, I love you more than anything in the world," he says, 'I'm gonna miss you this summer." 

 Then he takes my face in his hands, and presses his lips against mine. 


Well, it's morning now, and I roll over to find a head of brown hair on the pillow next to me. Then  my eyes grow wider than ever. I frantically shake him until he wakes up. "What's wrong baby?" he asks. "SCHOOL, MOM, US," I start to freak out. "Shhhh!" he hushes me. "She might hear us."  

Laurence and I both quietly get dressed, and he climb out of the window. Good thing he parked next door because there was no room in the driveway.  He gets in his car and heads for school.

  Then I walk downstairs to Katelyn, Eric, and Mom eating breakfast. I sit down next to Katelyn and start eating. Do they just live here now or what? Whatever, I guess it's like Katelyn is kinda my sister now. 

"Morning Aph," Katelyn says when I sit next to her. "So, when did Laurence leave?" she asks leaning closer so mom can't hear us. "He stayed over," I say, "Did you guys-" "No!" I cut her off.

   "Okay, mom, we're going to school now, bye" I say, then Katelyn and I get in my car and leave for school.

Laurmau: Phoenix HighWhere stories live. Discover now