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"That's great KC!" I say.

"What's going on?" Katelyn asks.

"Kawaii~Chan is going to the Spring Fling with Gene~Kun!"


"Yes! Kawaii~Chan is so excited!"

"....Okay, but please be carefull." Katelyn says. "Gene isn't always the nicest. Even if he doesn't mean to."

"Kawaii~Chan knows Gene can be mean sometimes, she just wanted to give him a chance!"

"Awww. that's really sweet of you." I say. 

"So, Aph are you going with Laurance?" Katelyn asks.

"Ummm, I don't know he hasn't asks me." And that was the truth. I really don't know if he's going to asks me to the Spring Fling or not. I really hope he does though. What if he asks someone else?! No, he wouldn't do that. Would he?.......Nah

"Oh," she says. "well we better be off to class then."


I hope Travis can stop being gross and awkward for a few days so he can ask Katelyn to the Spring Fling. I mean sure she'd be great with Jefforey, but I think she'd be better off with Travis. Think about, they have a lot in common. Umm they both like Steven Universe? But with Jeffory it's just.....he has hair..she has hair. He has eyes she has eyes. Travis and Katelyn would be a total power couple. 

I almost forgot, today I have to give a speech in class on why the earth isn't flat. I walk into class and take my seat.


"Alright class let's get started." says Mrs.Bullham, only the coolest teacher ever.

"Ms. Lorde," she say. "come up and give your speech."

I walk to the front and stand behind the podium. 


Everyone claps and I take my seat. 

"Very good Ms.Lorde." says Mrs.Bullham.

The bell rings again and I head to my locker. I put my history books up and close my locker. Laurance stands there smiling.

"Hey." I say.

"Wanna walk to class with me?" he asks.


He walks to class with me and takes a seat beside me. The science class is boring as usual, but Laurance finds a way to stay awake and pay attention. Mr.Tusks is very, very boring. Yesterday he got excited about a documentary about the word science. That was the worst hour of my life. He starts talking about why he thinks the food at school was a science experiment gone wrong. I'm not really paying attention. The bell rings and snaps me back into reality. Laurance takes my hand and we walk out to his car. 

"That class is really boring." he says and I nod in agreement 

"So are you going to the Spring Fling?" he asks.

"I don't know, are you?"

"I was hoping you would go with me."

"Really?" I ask.


"Yeah!" I say "That sounds nice."

He smiles at me and opens my car door. I hop in and takes me to my house. I kiss his cheek and run into my house hoping my mom didn't see that.

"Hey mom!" I say.

"Hey sweetie I'm going to on a run with Zianna, I'll be back later." she says "I love you!" she says walking out of the door.

The Spring Fling is next Friday, so I have a week to get a dress. I text Katelyn.

Me: Guess who Laurance asked to the Spring Fling!!!!

Katelyn: Really!? Yassssss


Laurance:You up for a movie later?

Me: sounds great!

Word count 576 counting this

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