Ch.2: Think We Know

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"This is the last time they will lie to me. I can't be there anymore at all!" Sidney says furiously.Prodigy rolls his eyes. She notices it and gets in his face. "I get the sense that you're mad at me....." Shr tells him and looks sad. "Why haven't you returned any of my texts and calls?" Prodigy asks her with an attitude. They just got together and he already felt like she had no time for him. "So much has been going on in my life, I just needed space." She tells him honestly. He shakes his head. "It's nice to know you didn't want to talk to me. I thought I was in your life for support but you're just pushing me away." He tells her and walks away. She sighs loudly. "He just missed you girl, don't worry he'll come around. They always do." Neah tells her and pats her shoulder. Sid just nods her head in silence. "Well since you're here let's figure out how you can get back at your fake parents!" Rae says evily. Sidney puts her hand in Rae's face. "Not now, I need to fix something first!" Sidney tells her sternly. Rae gives her a angry look. "This is family business, relationships can wait!" Rae says and rolls her eyes. Princeton gives Rae a strange look. "So you can put me first but she can't put Prodigy first right now?" Princeton asks her sarcstically. "No, I'm just saying we have important things to be done!" Rae explains. "He's important to me. I've already lost my parents, I'm not trying to lose him too. He's all I got other than ya'll." Sidney tells her and stares at her. "Whatever just go!" Rae tells her and leaves out the room. Princeton follows her. "Why does it seem like Rae is the ring leader when it comes to ya'll?" Ray asks the other girls. SiSi looks at Neah. "It's always been that way, we just go with the flow." Neah says and shrugs. "But that doesn't make it right. All of ya'll have something special about ya'll. Let that shine!" Ray tells them honestly. "When it's always been this way it's hard to break old habits, especially when even in school she's treated like royalty. It's just easier to let her have her reign." SiSi answers him. "You're better than that though. To be honest I don't even think she belittles ya'll on purpose but that still doesn't mean you have to accept it." Roc tells her. "The dynamic just works this way, it's petty and immature to label people but she's the queen bee, SiSi isn't far from it and me and Neah just fall in line where we belong. It sounds worse than it is." Sidney explains. "Before I forget, you said we needed to talk....let's do it now before I never want to." Roc tells SiSi and they head to his room. "I'ma go talk to Prod." Sidney tells the Ray and Neah. "I think he would like that." Ray tells her as she leaves out.


"I can't believe you talked to me like that in front of everyone!" Rae says in an angry tone. "So i'm wrong for telling you the truth?" Princeton asks her with his eyes bucked. "You're wrong for calling me out in front of our peers. That's why you're wrong!" She answers. "You hate hearing the truth when it's not in your favor. I'm sorry but I love you too much to lie to you." He tells her as he paces the floor. he paces when he's getting upset. She notices this and calms down so that it may help him calm down as well. "It's just the way you said. You made it seem like I'm all about myself. I didn't like that." Rae tells him sadly. "You're very caring baby but sometimes you put your feelings before others." Princeton tells her. "How was that the case this time?" She asks starting to get worked up again. "You made it seem like prodigy should be her number two or three. Right now he's her priority. He's all she's got without her parents." Princeton explains to her. "She has me!" Rae says with cockiness in her voice. "Rae, you know what I mean! Prodigy is like your Princeton. She needs him to get through this. Just accept it and be there for her when she gives you the green light.. It doesn't mean she loves you any less." Princeton tells her and hugs her tight. "You're babying me." Rae says and giggles in his arms. He kisses her forehead in silence.


Sidney walks into the room with Prodigy. He's staring out the window. "It's not that I didn't want to talk to you. If I could lay all my problems on you I would but this was just all too much and I didn't really have any words for anyone because I was taking it all in." Sidney tells him truthfully. He nods his head and stays in silence. "That's all I had to say, sorry if I made you feel not needed." She says and starts to leave out. "You don't have to leave, I'm just taking this conversation all in. I hate feeling needy but I just wanted you to know that you could have included me, that's what I'm here for but I understand that you needed to alone." He tells her and continues to stre out the window. "Well I'm ready to talk about it now if you're ready to lend me an ear..." Sidney says and smiles. He turns around and stares upon her beauty. "Lay it all on me then!" He tells her and sits by her on the bed. 


"So what do you need to say to me?" Roc says with an attitude. "Quit! Just stop! This isn't us, we don't talk to eachother like this. I just want us to go back to how we were." SiSi says in a hurt manner. "You should have thought about that before you lied!" Roc tells her bluntly. "I lied because I finally found someone that was so amazing and that no one could compare to I didn't want to lose that, Roc!" She exclaims. "Well last time I checked you broke up with me, so who's really scared of losing who?" He says to her and shakes his head. "I was mad! And hurt and I felt like you were going to leaves me so I wanted to beat you to the punch." She tells him with nothing but honesty. "The thing is I never wanted to leave you, it never even crossed my mind. You brought all of this along on yourself. I was mad at you but leaving you was the farthest thing from my mind. I loved you too much for that." He tells her. "Loved?" SiSi asks as that word that laced her ears ffrom his mouth cuts her heart deep. "I meant love as in present tense. I'll always love you but I need you to figure out what you want from me before we continue or not continue." He tells her honestly. She nods her head and leaves out of his room. He wants to be with her but he wants her to learn from her mistake before he ever can think about taking her back. 


Vincent and Tamar make it home. "SiSi and Rae?" They call as everyone meets them in the common area. "I could have sworn we called SiSi & Rae..." Tamar says and stares at the boys. Everyone but those two start to leave out. "Sidney you stay, we didn't know you were here." Vincent tells her. "We think we know what happened to your real parents.".................................................................

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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