Ch. 26: When You're Angry

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Malachi manages to get SiSi and Rae where he is. "What do you want from us?" Rae asks him with an attitude.

"Feisty aren't you?" Malachi asks her with a side smile.

"I don't have time for you & your irrelevant questions! What do you want with us?" Rae starts to get furious. She's never in her life been this mad. 

"I want you. I want her. And I wanted your other sister but she lucked up and got pregnant so I have no need for her now but it's kind of like a blessing in disguise because you need her with ya'll if you ever want to come close to defeating me and my army and look around.......she's not here!" Malachi tells them and laughs evily.

"How do you know Sidney is pregnant?" SiSi asks him in confusion, even she didn't know that. 

"Just like I know the plan was for all three of ya'll to get pregnant, which makes me furious because you little bitches tried to mess up my plan." Malachi starts to yell.

His loudness scares Rae a little but SiSi is fine because she's use to him. "That was never a plan, what the fuck are you talking about?" SiSi asks him.

Malachi looks at Rae. "You mean to tell me that Rae didn't tell you that your little boy toy was suppose to impregnante you?" 

SiSi stares at Rae as she back away from her. "What is he talking about Rae?"

"Please don't be mad. We couldn't tell you!" Rae tells her honestly.

"You couldn't tell me about ya'll scheming and plotting when I was in the scheme? What the fuck, Rae?!" SiSi starts to get angry.

"SiSi he's only telling you this to keep us seperate. He's knows we're stronger together than apart so of course he's manipulating you don't let him in your head, I need you right now! You can be mad but take your anger out on him, I know how much damage you can do when you're angry!"

SiSi just stares from Malachi to Rae back and forth.......


Ray, Neah, Princeton, Prodigy, Roc and Sidney all leave on the private jet. 

"I know where my sisters are..." Sidney admits as she stares at all of them.

"Where are they?" Roc asks anxiously.

"They're at Malachi's palace. We have to get there and defeat him. If we don't we all will die!" Sidney tells them seriously. 

"How do you know we'll die?" Princeton asks her.

"I'm telling you blood will be shed and it will be ours. I seen it!"

Neah grabs Ray's hand and he starts to get a vision of all of them being taken out by Malachi's army of vampires. He quickly jerks his hand away from Neah. "You seen something didn't you?" Neah asks him.

"Sidney is right! I know Tamar and Vincent don't want us to get involved but we have to if we want to save our lives. Malachi has them too." Ray tells them and shakes his head. 

"I can't let Sidney anywhere near Malachi or his people!" Prodigy intervenes.

"You can't stop me either though!" Sidney tells him with an attitude.

"I'm not trying to be controlling, I'm trying to ptotect you and our child! let me do my job!"

"I have no choice but help! Those are my sisters and our freaking parents. I'll be fine, but you're not going to stop me at all and that's final!"

"Over my dead body, you're not fighting at all."

"My powers are way more powerful than you could imagine. I should be protecting you!" She cuts him deep with her words. She gasps and shock that it came out her mouth.

"That was cold I'll admit but she's right Prod, they're all stronger than us and have every power imaginable. They're like the chosen ones. I think she'll be fine. We kind of need her help." Roc tells him and pats him back.

Prodigy jerks away. "Do what ya'll want but if something happens to my child I will never forgive you!" He tells her and sits in a seat far from her.

Everyone just looks around from one another. 

"We're going to need more than just us. Lets call everyone of Tamar and Vince's friends and try to get their help." Princeton suggests and they all starts making phonecalls. 

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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