Ch.28: Blood Lust

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Malachi's soldiers barge into the room standing ready to fight. SiSi breaks lose and stares at Malachi as her eyes change to blue quickly. Soon Malachi drops to his knees screaming and wiping his eyes immensely. "It burns! I can't see anything!" He yells to his men. Some rush over to help him but the same thing starts to happen to them as well. SiSi looks confused. "Rae, are you doing that?" She asks her sister. Rae smiles. "It's you! You discovered a new power SiSi!" Rae rejoices. Savannah notices what SiSi has done. "Alaysia, you have the power of sight in your hands. What a wonderful powerful, use it to ya'lls advantage." Savannah tells her and smiles. SiSi nods still in a bit of shock. "Snap out of it so we can finish what we came to do!" Rae pushes her. 

SiSi's power wears off of Malachi and he rushes at her while she's fighting one of his men. Sidney sees him before he reaches her and with her hand stretched out towards him she telepathically throws him into the brick wall which shatters the wall. Because of Malachi's strength he gets up with only a bit of hesitation. Sidney stretches both her hands out towards him and not only does she stop him in motion, a high voltage shock takes over his body which leaves him helpless on the ground. Prodigy stares at Sidney in shock. Sidney starts staring at her hands as if something is wrong. "Prodigy, what is this?" She asks him in fear. He shrugs. Savannah kneels beside her as she's on the ground. "Are you okay, Imani?" Savannah asks her as Prodigy watches. Sidney gives her a peculiar look then shakes it off. "I'm in so much pain, this baby feels like it's about to rip through my stomach or eat me alive, & on top of all that my hands are doing things that I never knew they could do! I'm not okay." Sidney exclaims as she begins to freak out. Prodigy wipes her sweat off. "You have the power of touch in your hands sweetie." Savannah says happily as she unintentionally forgot about the pain Sidney is in. "Lady that's wonderful and all but what about this baby, it's going to kill her if we don't stop the labor." Prodigy begins to get angry. Sidney begins to go in and out of consciousness. Savannah stares at Sidney. "The only thing we can do is let it take it's course. She shouldn't be feeling like this though, what has she eaten or drank over the past few days?" Savannah asks him. "She ate some fruit that was out in the fields earlier. . .that's the only unusual thing." Prodigy tells her. Savannah's eyes get big. "That's a forbidden fruit for vampires, it's what's eating her alive. It's not the baby! The baby is trying to survive as well." Savannah yells at him in frustration. Tamar hears how Prodigy is being spoken to. "Don't you ever talk to my son like that again!" Tamar gets in Savannah's face. Rae screams from where she is fighting. "Right now is not the time to be turning against each other! Save that for later!" She yells as she kills more of Malachi's men. Prodigy stands up and runs to help Rae but one Malachi's men stabs him. Prodigy falls to the ground weakened. Ray, Prince and Roc all stop for a moment staring at him laying helpless on the ground. "NOOOOOO!" Ray yells and runs toward the man who stabbed Prodigy and chops his head off. They all run over to Prodigy whom is still alive but barely holding on. "We won't let you die, man!" Roc tells Prodigy as he rubs his face. Princeton holds his hand as he nods in agreeance with Roc. 

All of Malachi's men are dead except for 3. His strongest men approach Rae. She becomes a little uneasy. Christopher comes up behind her. "If Alaysia has the power of sight and Imani has the power of touch, you Peyton, must have the power of smell." Christopher enlightens her. "You trying to say mmy breath is going to stink?" Rae asks him with an attitude. "No, just blow. You have a secret aroma that will stun them. It actually smells like Japanese Cherry blossoms." He reassures her. She rolls her eyes a little and blows. Nothing happens and the men laugh at her. "You have to be serious. You have to embrace this power and believe in yourself as a Goddess! Get it together Peyton!" He yells out frustration. Rae shakes her head. "Yelling at me is not going to help Christopher!" Rae yells back with tears in her eyes. Vince walks up and pushes Christopher out the way. "Concentrate on every reason why they must be defeated, believe in yourself and in your sisters. You got this babygirl!" Vince tells her calmly as he pats her shoulder. Everyone is watching, waiting on her to release her secret power. She blows again and the men fall to the ground. She stands over them and stabs each of them right through their hearts in order to give them the true death. "Good job Rae!." Vince tells her and hugs her. "It's Peyton!" Christopher tells Vince with a slick tongue. "He can call me whatever he likes. I go by Rae!" Rae tells him and rolls her eyes. 

Malachi rises from the ground in mid-air. "So ya'll have defeated all of my men? He asks. "All that's left is you!" SiSi tells him as she smiles evily. "You'll never get rid of me. I'm too strong!" Malachi answers her. "SiSi, we can't defeat him without Sidney's powers." Rae says as she stares at her dying sister. SiSi blocks Malachi from each of the girls minds as they have a conversation: "Sidney, I know you're weak and we only need you for a moment. Will you find some strength to help us please?" SiSi asks her. "I'" She struggles to respond. Rae blows her aroma which makes him fall to the ground. It only stuns him for a moment though since he's so strong. He rushes at her like a football player. SiSi focuses on him which blinds him. "Now Sidney! Give it everything you've got!" Rae yells to a dying Sidney. Sidney Raises her hands slowly and shocks him with every amount of voltage she has which leaves him weak and nimble. As he lays on the ground, SiSi and Rae stand over him. "You ready?" Rae asks her. "This is for everything you've done to me and all the innocent people you caused harm to!" SiSi yells at him. They both grab his sword and together push it through his heart. They stand there with the look of blood lust as they watch his pathetic life wither away. 

The End- Stay tuned for the next book! - Chasity (: 

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