Chapter 19: Trouble in Paradise

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Everyone picks a bedroom. Savannah and Christopher get the guest house all to themselves. While Princeton is in the shower Rae decides to go into the kitchen to see if there is any blood in the refrigerator. Roc comes in shortly after her with the same idea, they both chuckle. “Hey you.” Roc says.

“Hey yourself.” Rae says.

Roc looks at Rae intently for a moment. Rae becomes uncomfortable. “What?” She asks blushing slightly.

“Your eyes are changing colors…” He says.

“Yeah I know I’m starving I haven’t fed yet.”

“No I mean they’re turning sliver…. Its weird.”

“Really? I wonder why.” Rae goes to look at a nearby mirror. “You’re such a liar !” Rae says hitting him playfully.

“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help tricking you. But you really need to feed.”

“I know Princeton never taught me how to feed because I had a vision.” Rae says.

“I can show you.” Roc says.

Rae smiles, “you sure? Where is SiSi? I wouldn’t want her to be mad.”

“She won’t be mad Rae relax. She’s checking on your parents, I think they went somewhere together.” Roc says.

Rae gives him a dirty look. “Not my parents Roc.”

“Eventually you’re going to have to acknowledge that they are Rae.”

Rae half smiles. “I know but right now I choose to live in denial. Now come on Roc.” Rae whines pulling on his arms.

Roc laughs. “okay.”

Princeton comes downstairs in search of Rae but he can’t find her, and he is not happy.


Neah and Ray are making out on their bed.

“I love you.” She says.

Ray pulls away suddenly he’s having a hard time expressing his feelings.

“What’s wrong?” Neah asks.

Ray doesn’t want to upset her. “Nothing.” He lies.

Rejection stabs Neah in the stomach. “Why are you acting like you don’t love me?” Neah asks.

“You know how I feel about you.” Ray says glaring at her.

“No, I’m not sure I do.” Neah says turning away from him.

“Neah…. Don’t be like that.” Ray says. He feels his old player ways creeping back into him.

Neah ignores him, he is about to say something else when the doorbell rings.

“I’ll get it.” Ray say getting off the bed.

Ray goes downstairs and opens the door to Arabella. “Hey Ray.” She smiles.

Ray grins at her, “hey Bella.”

They stare at each other for a moment. “Can I come in?” She asks.

“Of course, come in.” Ray says leading the way.

“What is she doing here?” Neah asks from upstairs.


SiSi is annoyed at her parents, she is happy to get away from them. She goes back to the main house in search of Roc. She sees him nowhere. She goes into Princeton’s room.

“Have you seen Roc?” SiSi asks have expecting to see Rae in his room.

“Have you seen Rae?” He counters.

SiSi’s frozen heart drops into her chest. “They are….” SiSi starts.

“Together?” Princeton asks, and nods.

“What is up with them lately? When did they become so close?” SiSi asks.

“They bounded while you were gone, it’s a long story I’m going to let him tell you…”

“Okay… where are they?” SiSi asks.

“It looks like Rae has learned how to block her thoughts from me, I can’t read her.”

“I’m not getting anything from him or her, she’s blocking me from her and Roc.” SiSi asks.

“What could they possibly be doing for her to block us?” Prince asks.

“Your guess is as good as mine.” SiSi says sitting on the bed.

“Two can play that game…….” Princeton says as he turns SiSi’s head toward his.


“I feel so alive! I can’t believe I just drank my first animal!” Rae laughs. Her and Roc high five one another.

“You did great Rae, you’re a natural.” He says.

She laughs. “Thanks budd-” She stops dead in her tracks as she gets a vision of Princeton and SiSi kissing, it hurts her to the core, and she screams out in pain, she doesn’t realize she fell to her knees.

“What is it Rae?” Roc asks worriedly.

“Princeton and SiSi…….they……..fucking kissed.” Rae spits venomously.

“What?” Roc is so mad he uproots a tree and throws it.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Why the fuck would they do that to us?”

“They think something is going on between us but its not.” Rae says.

“We told them that!! Nothing is going on between us, I don’t see you like that. You’re beautiful Rae but I never thought of you like that.”

“I never thought of you like that either Roc…. Until now.” Rae says wickedly.

“They hurt us…. We hurt them.” Roc says.

“Come here.” Rae beckons him closer.

He comes and kisses her softly at first and then hardly. He puts his face on her cheek, and then pulls away. He is shocked at the electricity they both felt.

They look at one another for a while.



They both whisper as they continue staring at one another, and they back away slowly………

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now