Ch.14: Where You Belong

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"SiSi you have to concentrate on every power you think you may have. No matter how little you think it may be just try it to see if you have it." Christopher tells her and nods. SiSi concentrates hard, she can feel Malachi trying to impose on her thoughts and she blocks him from her mind. Malachi is wondering why her mind is blank. He can't fathom why he can't read her thoughts or plans. "He tried to get in my mind but I stopped him, he knows nothing!" SiSi tells him and smiles. "That's my baby!" Savannah says joyfully. SiSi gives her a slight smile. "I need you to figure out how to get us out of here, okay?" Christopher says to her. SShe thinks long and hard. She looks up at a window near the ceiling. She starts to concentrate on flying and she starts to levitate. "You have the gift of flying like us." Savannah says in excitement. SiSi opens the window with her mind and beckons for them to come with her. "I need you to hurry so he won't find us." SiSi tells them as they pursue the window and escape. They fly as fast as they can till they are far away from the castle. "Thank you so much!" Christopher tells her and hugs her tight. "We're not safe until I get with my family so save that for later." She tells them as they continue fleeing. Malachi walks into the empty dungeon. "What the fuck?!" He says in anger as he scams the room. "They thought I was mad before.........well they haven't seen mad, but they will!" He yells to his guards. They all jump from his tone of voice. 


As Sidney is laying on the ground still with no sign of life Roc gets a strange feeling rush over him. SiSi is channeling his emotions and thoughts. Can you feel me? if you can lead me to you through your thoughts and emotions. She tells him through his thoughts. "You guys I don't know what's going on right now but SiSi is talking to me in my head!" Roc tells them in shock. Prod, Ray and Neah stare at him as if he's going crazy. "I'm serious! She asked could I feel her and she told me to lead her to me." Roc tries to explain. "Humans can't do stuff like that Roc. I think you're hearing her voice because you miss her." Ray tells him and pats his back. Roc saddens as he starts to believe he going crazy in the head. "Roc!" SiSi yells as she sees him through the trees. Everyone looks up but they see no one. "So ya'll heard that too right?" Roc asks them to make sure he's not being delusional. They all nod their head collectively. "Maybe we all starting to miss her a lot..." Ray says trying to make sense of what is happening. They hear footsteps. They all stand up and surround the still Sidney who still hasn't woke up. SiSi. Savannah and Christopher appear. Roc stares upon SiSi's new found beauty. "SiSi?" Prodigy calls. She smiles. "It's me!" SiSi answers. Roc runs to her and holds her tightly. "I thought you were gone forever till I felt you but it was a new feel. It was dark and it scared me but as long as I felt something from you I was content cause I knew you were still with me. I'm so happy you're here and safe!" Roc talks fastly as he continues holding and hugging her tightly. She grabs his face and lays a passionate kiss on his lips. "I've missed that!" She tells but when she sees her sister laying on the ground she pushes him aside a little. She kneels down and stares at her. "Is that Imani?" Savannah asks. "Sidney you mean?" Prodigy corrects the unfamiliar woman. Savannah just nods. SiSi rubs in Sidney's hair. She lays a kiss on Sidney's cheek which cause a lectric rush through her body and wakes her up immediately. Her eyes a forrest green. SiSi smiles upon her beauty of a sister. "You're alive! I missed you so much." Sidney tells her as she hugs her tight. "I missed you more. I missed you most of all, don't tell anyone though." SiSi says jokingly. "Can I ask you something SiSi?" Ray asks. "Anything, I'm an open book now." She replies and stares at him with her pale red eyes. The pigment is starting to fade. "Are you one of us now?" He asks her. "Yeah I am. I'm different though, very different. I have evil in me because the king changed me and I have a lot of his evil venom in me but that's not who I am which is why I'm here now." SiSi tells them as Sidney stands up. "You're right where you belong!" Roc tells her as he grabs her cold hand, something he's not use to. Ray's phone starts to ring. "Hello?" He answers. "Rae seen something bad happening to her, SiSi & Sidney!" Princeton tells him over the phone. "Like what?" Ray asks. "Don't tell Sidney and SiSi the plan but let Roc and Prod know that they have to impregnate them before Malachi does. They can't know though because Malachi can't know that we're doing this and if he catches up to us SiSi is the only one who can block him out her mind other than me. We need them knowing as least of information about this as possible! Can I trust you to get the message across?" Princeton asks them. Ray is in silence and shock. "RAY!!" Princeton yells to get his attention. "I can handle it." He says lightly and hangs up. Everyone can tell he's in shock. "Baby, you okay?" Neah asks him as he snaps out of his trance. He nods. "We need to get home now!" Ray tells them sternly. They all follow. 


"I don't have long before the Eve of Bridgenight approaches." Malachi informs Zaakar. "What does this mean for us?" Zaakar asks them. "It means I need to reproduce with all three of them in vampire form in the next few days so that my children will be just as strong as them or even stronger. That's the only day it will work!" Malachi tells him and gives him a evil look. "We've got some vampire hunting to do then..." Zaakar responds as he stares at Malachi..................................

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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