Chapter 7: You hit me?

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“We need to leave before someone comes.” Princeton suggests, grabbing Rae’s hand.

“I’m not leaving without SiSi, that’s out of the fucking question.” Roc says.

“Roc I know this is partially my fault but I think we really need to leave, there might be others.” Rae says.

Roc gives Rae a dirty look. “Yes this is your fault! Everything is your fault. If you would stop being a selfish bitch and think about others instead of yourself for two seconds we wouldn’t be in this damn predicament.”

Rae is speechless, but she quickly regains her composure enough to come back with a witty reply. Princeton who reads her thoughts beforehand tries to stop her from saying something so hurtful, “Rae don’t,” He says jerking her forward, she snatches away from him, getting in Roc’s face.

“I’m not a bitch, that’s you for acting uninterested in your supposed girlfriend. It’s your fault she’s not here, if you had of stood up for her against I told she would be here but she’s not because you are a coward Roc. You didn’t even have the balls to-” She feels a slap across her face, and the bone is instantly shattered. “How dare you  Roc.” Rae says as a tear falls down her bloody cheek. Everyone gasps collectively.

Roc is in shock. He looks at his hand, “Rae… I’m so sorry.”

“I know we are all having our problems but damn why did you have to hit me. I love you Roc I’m having some identity issues right now, but I still thought we were better than that.” Rae says hurt.

Princeton is fuming, he is about to approach Roc, but he quickly turns away at the sight of Rae’s blood. He quickly moves away from her.

“I never meant to hurt you. I just got so angry with SiSi being gone, and your harsh words… I didn’t know what I was doing I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”

He notices Rae’s cheek, and he approaches her she tenses up. “Don’t touch me.”

“At least let me fix it.” he pleads.

“It can’t be fixed.” She says.

“Rae please….” She doesn’t move away as he gently touches her face. Everyone is watching the connection between the two of them unfold. He lightly touches her cheek where he hit her, and he watches as the blood disappears off of her face. “I’m sorry.” he whispers softly as he places a kiss on her now healed cheek.

She jerks away. “The scar you made may be healed now but just knowing you did it still hurts. You may have healed me physically but you can’t heal me mentally.” She says rushing to Prince’s arms.

Everyone is giving Roc the silent treatment they can’t believe he actually hit Rae.

“Roc I know you’re my brother but I hate you right now. You better be glad I didn’t make your ass pay.” Princeton says harshly.

Roc just looks away, he can’t believe what he has done. Rage took over his body he is ashamed.

“I guess we better try and get out of here.” Prodigy suggests after a few moments of silence.

“Yeah. This place is all driving us crazy.” Sidney says softly.

They break the lock on the door, and try to escape when someone walks in.

“Going somewhere?” They ask.


“I will do anything you ask.” SiSi tells the king.

“I like her she’s so willing.” He says as his red eyes shine down on her.

“No MalachI, please don’t do this to my baby.” Savannah says in tears.

“When she’s turned with her mix of vampire and human she’s going to be the strongest bred of vampires in history. We need the other two, and our army will be great. Total domination! That’s our aim if we have a half human on our side we can rule the whole world vampire and human alike.” MalachI says cackling evilly.

SiSi smiles wickedly, she feels herself being sucked in, and she doesn’t know why she’s feeling this way.

“Are you ready to be changed into a vampire?” MalachI asks.

SiSi doesn’t know why but she willingly nods her head, she’s screaming no inside but she can’t find the words, its like she’s on mute.

MalachI smiles, and approaches her slowly, and grabs her neck. His fangs appear as he gets closer to her neck. Her birth parents are screaming the whole time, as MalachI prepares to bite her………………………….

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now