Ch. 27: This Means War

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Talia, one of Vince and Tamar friends, meet them close to where Malachi's palace is. Sidney puts a block on her and everyone's mind so that Malachi doesn't know any of their moves. "How do ya'll know Vince and Tamar have been taken?" Talia asks them.

Sidney raises her hand. "I can see his every move. . ." She answers. 

Talia raises an eyebrow and stares at Sidney. "Who are your parents?"

"Christopher and Savannah...I don't know them well at all."

"You're one of the Adams triplets aren't you?" Talia asks her. 

Prodigy pulls Sidney back. "How would you know that?" He asks Talia.

"All aged vampires have heard the stories of the love romance with Christopher and Savannah and how when the triplets came of age they would be the most powerful vampires of all times but they are most powerful when they use their powers together. I always thought it was just a myth though because there's so many different versions of the stories." Talia answers.

"So people knew about us before we even knew about us. Wow!" Sidney lets out a gasp.

"You don't realize just how important ya'll are to the vampires all over the world. Ya'll have a destiny that ya'll wouldn't even imagine. So much awaits ya'll. I would be honored to serve ya'll and help in any way possible. I'll get everyone we know."

Sidney looks confused but simply nods. "Thanks I think. Get them here ASAP!" Sidney tells her. 

"We'll meet you at Malachi's palace. You don't need us just yet but you will soon after." Talia tells her as she runs off to get help. 


SiSi starts to get a vision. After she gets the vision she transfers her vision to Rae hoping Malachi isn't paying attention. Malachi bursts into the room. "Hi my ladies." He says and winks at them. 

"I have a name." SiSi tells him starting an argument with him while Rae looks at the vision so he won't know. 

"Alaysia? Isn't it?" He says and gives her an evil smile.

"It's SiSi. Don't get it twisted!"

"That was when you were human but your vampire name is Alaysia. You hate that name don't you?"

"I don't hate it. And I was a vampire my whole life I just didn't have the affects but you screwed that up!" SiSi says and stares at him.

Rae snaps out of the vision. "Malachi you may wanna move!" Rae yells.

He looks at her confused. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks her as Sidney, Roc, Prod, Prince, Ray, & Neah bust in the doors. "This can't be! I would have seen it coming!" 

"Not if I blocked you from our thoughts." Sidney says. Her stomach bulging out a little. 

"Damn girl how far along are you?" SiSi asks as she stares at Sidney's stomach.

"Like 2 weeks at the most." Sidney says then gives her attention back to Malachi. 

SiSi looks confused. "I will never understand being a vampire." She says but then her attention is caught by a gazing Roc. She smiles at him with so much passion and love. 

Princeton runs to Rae and unties her. Malachi's guards bring Vince and Tamar in to watch the confrontation. 

"Please don't hurt my babies. Those are my only kids!" Tamar yells as she tries to break away but she can't. 

Vince stares at Sidney's stomach. "Baby, you been eating a lot?" He asks in confusion. 

"You have a grandchild on the way." Prodigy answers.

"What the hell!!!!!???????????" He screams out in shock.

Christopher and Savannah come in afterwards. They stare at Vince and Tamar funny. 

"Ya'll will wish ya'll had never showed up here. You have no idea how powerful we are!" Malachi tells Sidney and the rest of the crew. 

"Well I guess we're about to find out. This means war!" Sidney tells him with an evil glare.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

Ps.: Sorry it has taken so long for us to update the story. We both work and are in school so we stay busy busy busy! Bare with us please (:

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now