Ch.18: Those Darn Kids

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While on the plane they completely forget that Christopher and Savannah are with them. "Why do ya'll hate us so?" Savannah asks as she break the silence that is being thrown towards her and her husband.

They all turn to look at them. "I take it you're speaking to your daughters?" Princeton asks them.

"Daughters?" Rae asks sarcastically.

Princeton stares at Rae. "Yes Rae! They gave birth to every single one of you so they are your parents!" Princeton becomes frustrated.

"Your parents didn't give birth to you and they deserve that title so fuck who gave birth to me. As far as I'm concerned Tamar is my mother and Vincent is my father!" Rae scolds at him.

Savannah starts to cry. Christopher rubs her back.

"Save the tears Savannah, what did you think was going to happen when you met us? We'd forget that you left us? It's never that simple. Life is never that simple. Deal with your issues instead of trying to make us forget and feel sorry for you." Sidney blurts out in Rae's defense.

"Finally someone understand where I'm coming from. SiSi you've went through the same thing as us and you act like it doesn't bother you!" Rae yells.

"Yeah i get it but at the same time imagine how they feel being around people they barely know and we all coming at them real can't be a good feeling which is why I'm chilling on this subject!" SiSi speaks up.

"Well I'm not chilling on shit, they didn't chill on leaving us!" Rae says and smirks.

"Rae, I feel where you're coming from but is it really worth it for you to worry your pretty little head over? You're good so why be worried?" Roc intervenes.

Princeton and SiSi stare at Roc for awhile. "Since when are you so into Rae?" SiSi asks him and rolls her eyes.

"I'm not! I'm just trying to diffuse the situation..." Roc answers and smiles slightly.

"Yeah that better be all it is!" Princeton says with authority in his voice. 

They finally make it to Greenland. There are other vampires in the area. 

"Ya'll live here?" Ray asks one of the female vampires there.

"Yeah, I've never seen you around and I've always wondered who lived in this beautiful house. Now I know." The girl says and gives Ray a sexy smile.

Neah is watching from afar. "You should come over later, bring your friends." Ray tells the girl.

"Maybe we will." She says and starts to walk away.

"Wait! I didn't get your name..." He tells stops her.


"Ray Ray." He says and smiles and heads back to Neah. He grabs her from behind and tries to kiss her neck. 

She jerks away. "Who the fuck was that?" Neah asks him.

"Ummm I think she said her name was Bella...." Ray answers. And grabs her hand.

"Yeah, i'm going to take a nap.."

"I'll come with!"

"I meant alone." She says and leaves him on the porch.


Vincent leads Zaakar to their home. "This house is empty!" Zaakar yells madly. 

"Those darm kids!" Vincent tries to play his plan off.

"If I don't get them in the next 48 hours, you will never see them again. And I will keep your wife as my princess." 

Stay tuned! Chasity

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now