Ch.6: Deliver Us From Evil

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"So ya'll must be the last two." Zaakar says with laughter. SiSi starts to hyperventilate from nervousness. Roc grabs her and holds her in his arms. "I need you to calm down and breathe in and out slowly. He will not hurt you, I won't let him. I love you okay?" Roc attempts to calm her down. His caring words are helping. "I'm not going to hurt you but that doesn't mean someone else won't." Zaakar says as he rubs her shoulder. She jerks away. "What do you want from them?" Prodigy asks. "If I told you I have to kill you." He answers him as he stares at him evily. The man gets a phonecall and leaves them in the dark room. "Why does he need ya'll?" Ray asks Rae. "Because when our powers come and we become full vampires we will literally be strongest, most invincible ones. Just us three because my mom was human when she conceived us but when she got bitten by our dad it altered us. I don't know why but the king wants us because once we're fully develpoed we won't be able to be stopped. We'll be stronger than the counsel and he can't have that." Rae tells them and shakes her head. "So he's gonna kill us more than likely." Sidney faces their truth. "Or either manipulate us before our powers come. That's what he'll do cause we're useful to him." SiSi tells them.. "I'm sorry ya'll." Princeton says as a tear comes down his face. "For what?" Roc asks him. "I got ya'll into this. If I had have listened to Vince we wouldn't be in this situation." He tells them and looks down. "I know you're sorry and all but you're about to cause me and Sidney our life. Vincent and Tamar had this, you should have just trusted them but instead you wanted to do things on your own and now look at us!" SiSi speaks up. "He wanted to save his girlfriend, are you hating?" Rae yells at her. "Hating for what? I'm happy that your precious boyfriend is man enough to want to be there for you but you don't endanger your whole family, especially when Vince and Tamar are capable of saving you! I don't have to hate on stupidity Rae, don't get it twisted!" SiSi tells her off. "Stupidity? Says the girl who can't take a hint that Roc is slowly but surely moving on!" Rae cuts her deep with her words. Roc looks confused. "Why bring me into this? Our relationship has nothing to do with this conversation." Roc tells her angrily. "You may be right. You win Rae!" SiSi says and flashes her a fake smile. Zaakar walks back in. "Take me to the king vampire." SiSi tells him. "No! Why would you want that?" Roc asks her. Rae is in silence. "Nothing really matters right now so I'm ready to face my truth, whatever it shall be." SiSi responds as she stares at Zaakar. "Please don't leave're my bestfriend! You've always been there for me I don't know what I would do without you." Sidney tells her as tears roll down her face. "I love you my beautiful sister. Just know that." SiSi tells her as Zaakar's guard watches the rest of them while he takes SiSi to the king. "Why the fuck would you tell her that I was moving on?" Roc asks Rae in anger. "Because she made me mad. And if you really weren't moving on you would have been with her now. You're scared to let her go completely, that's all that is." Rae tells him nonchalantly. "You don't get it Rae, she gave herself up because you planted in her head a lie! You could tell her that the sky was falling and she would believe it simply because you said it Rae, that's how much trust she's always had in you." Sidney tells her bluntly. "Well she's gone now and ya'll aren't going to make me feel like it was my fault!" Rae says and rolls her eyes. "You may not ever admit that this was your fault but you'll always believe deep down inside. It will hit you that your sister is gone and she may not be coming back." Neah tells her and sits on the ground. Roc sits on the floor next to Sidney. She rubs his back as he sheds a few tears. Everyone waits in silence. "I just hope someone delivers us from evil." Princeton says under his breath.


The king rises as Zaakar walks in. Two others are in the room also. They stare upon SiSi and the female sheds a tear immediately. "That's her Christopher, our baby!" Savannah tells the man. "I know, I can tell...she has your eyes." He responds and smiles. "Was it a hard fight to get her?" The king asks him. SiSi is staring at her parents. Being in their presence makes her feel like she finally knows who she is. "She surrendered on her own surprisingly." Zaakar answers him and pushes SiSi towards the king. "What's your name?" The king asks her. "Alaysia Si'rai." Her mother answers. "SiSi is my name." SiSi answers. Her mother looks away. "I have great expectations for you...." The kings tells her as he cracks a slight evil smile................................

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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