Ch.20: Breaking Points

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Roc backs away and looks away from Rae. "I can't do this to her...." He says in a low voice.

"Roc, they did it to us, why should we care about their feelings?" Rae answers him. She feels rejected.

Roc shakes his head. "Because I love her, and you love him. Regardless of what they've done to us we can't stoop to their level. This love isn't real if we do." 

Rae rolls her eyes and storms off quickly.


SiSi pulls away abruptly. She starts to feel Roc's emotions crash into her. She knows he's hurt by something and something is telling her that she's the cause of it. "This isn't right Princeton. You don't like me, you barely talk to me. What are we doing?" She asks Prince.

Princeton shrugs. "I don't know I'm sorry. I just think Rae and Roc have something going on..." He answers and looks down.

"Go find her and talk to her. I have to get to Roc!" She leaves to go through the door and runs into Rae. 

Rae gives her a dirty look. "You kissed him didn't you?" She asks.

"I could ask you the same thing but right now I need to find Roc and you need to fix things with Prince, okay?" SiSi responds and tries to get past Rae.

"I seen it in my vision. Roc knows what ya'll did and he hates you now!" Rae gives her an evil laugh as she lies.

Princeton pulls Rae out of SiSi's way so she can leave. "So first you kiss her and now you're helping her? You disgust me right now!" Rae yells to Prince. He simply hold her.

"I'm so sorry but you have to understand that I love you so much and when I seen you giving my attention to Roc I lost control...." Princeton explains.

Rae feels him creeping back into her frozen heart but her stubborn self won't let him know. "I think we need to just chill on us for right now, okay?" She tells him.

"You're breaking up with me?! I said I was sorry...I meant it! I Need you Rae!"

"I'm not saying it's over, I'm just saying I need some time to myself to get over this if at all possible." She tells him and goes to a vacant room. 

He just stands there and watches her walk away from him. He's dying inside.


"Neah calm down! You always trying to trip! Just be cool babe.." Ray tells Neah and pats her shoulder.

"Just be cool? How can I be cool when you act like you don't even care anymore? How can I be cool when you invite other hoes over right in my face? Explain to me how cool I can possibly be right now!" Neah yells to him as tears falls from her eyes.

"I'm not a hoe, don't get it twisted!" Arabella defends herself.

"Shut the fuck up or leave!" Neah yells to her.

"So you're saying I can't have female friends? You're being controlling and only I control me so if you can't get with that then I guess you can find another resolution whatever you feel that should be!" Ray tells her and stares at her. 

"I think I'm done right now. Let me know when you figure out what you want cause right now you're confused and I won't let you string me along like this." Neah says and runs upstairs.

Ray starts to feel his cold heart break a little from her words but his pride won't let him go after her. He continues flirting with Arabella. 


"What's wrong?" Prodigy asks Sidney.

"I read Neah's thoughts, I can't believe Ray is treating her like this!"

"I kind of see where he's coming from though..."

"What you mean you kinda understand? He's being an asshole!"

"I know but at the same time no man wants his girl bugging about trust issues. She should know that girl is simply a friend if that's what he says she is."

"He did it in a disrespectful way though, I can't imagine you doing me like that!"

"Like what? He just don't want her acting like his mother, that's what Tamar is for!" prodigy tells her sternly.

"So the fact that she's uncomfortable with him around other females makes her controlling? That's a cop-out and you know it! Ray has always been a fucking player so she has a right to feel like she does!"

"Well she knew that before she got with him so why she so surprised now? She got herself into it so now she has to deal with it. Why are we arguing about someone elses relationship?" Prod asks her.

"Because apparently you have the same mindframe as Ray and I can't deal with that shit!" Sidney tells him and leaves to find Neah.


SiSi finally sees Roc in the woods. "This reminds me of our secret spot back home.." SiSi says to him in a voice just above a whisper. Her voice startles him. 

"It does, maybe that's why I felt some sort of comfort in it." Roc answers without looking at her. 

"I just want you to know that Princeton only kissed me because Rae was blocking him from her thoughts while ya'll were together and he thought something was going on and she blocked me from you and her." SiSi explains.

"So she set me up?" Roc asks starting to get mad.

"I don't know Roc....I just need to know what happened with you and her while I was gone." 

"We bonded a little, not in a sexual way but just friends. She comforted me. It's nothing on my end but I'm starting to feel like maybe it's more than that on hers and she's causing issues between me, Princeton and You and she has to be stopped! I'm going to confront her cause these evil tactics ain't cool." Roc says and hurries back to the home before SiSi can answer him.


Vincent is tied up in a chair and Zaakar has Tamar tied to the bed. "What are you going to do to me?" Tamar asks him. 

"Until I get those kids your husband will watch me torture you physically and sexually! Someone better speak up soon cause you'll get tired before I do. I'm just waiting on you to become my princess and I get rid of your husband for good!" Zaakar answers her and laughs evilly.

Stay tuned! Chasity

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