Chapter 11: R.I.P

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SiSi regains her composure. She wonders how she felt Roc, it was like he was right there with her, but the connection broke. It gave her strength. MalachI is intrigued at how she was able to bounce back so fast. SiSi reads his face. “I’m more powerful then you thought?” SiSi says with a smirk.

MalachI rolls his eyes. “I’m about sick of you, take her away.” He says to his guards.

Where they take her and her parents to the palace dungeon.


Princeton is furious he can’t control his anger he leaves out of the house. Rae hears the front door slam from upstairs. “Princeton?” She says as she comes down the steps following him outside.

“Rae? Just give him some time.” Roc tries to stop her, but she is already out of the door. Princeton is speeding down the road in his green Ferrari. Rae gets into her pink bug, and follows him. He sees her in his rearview mirror, and speeds up. She drives like a bat out of hell and puts the pedal to the medal, trying to catch up with him.

Back at the house Prodigy has a horrible vision of what is about to come. The speed chase with him and Rae isn’t going to end well. The vision is so vivid, and real that he screams out in the pain and agony, his screams echo’s through the entire house. The gang comes in to check on Prodigy.

“What’s wrong?” They asks him as he finally stops screaming.

He holds his head its spinning with the images from the vision he had. Sidney comes up behind him and pats his back. “Babe what’s wrong?” She asks frowning in concern.

Prodigy is in shock he breathes heavily. His blue eyes glistering with unshed tears. “Rae…. She’s going to-”

“To what Prodigy?” Roc asks on edge. He taps into Rae’s emotion, and he feels hurt, and terror slicing through her body, but she doesn’t seem to be in any sort of danger.

“She’s going to die.” He says.

“What? No!” Sidney says sobbing immediately.

“Are you sure?” Roc asks, he feels his world tilting.

Prodigy nods his head sadly.

Ray is going crazy. “Prod your visions can always change, will this one change too?” He asks his heart breaking for Rae.

Prod wants to give them all hope but he knows the truth. “No, it won’t change. She is on the road now, and her fate is already set in motion.”

“We can’t do anything to stop it?” Neah asks.

Prodigy shakes his head no again. “No we can’t the vision happened too late. She’s going to be gone any minute now.” He says hanging his head down in shame. He feels like he has failed Rae.

“We can call her!” Ray suggests.

“I don’t know if it will do any good, but you could try.” Prodigy says.

Roc dials Rae’s number but there is not answer. He keeps redialing but there is still no answer.

“I can’t believe my sister is going to die!” Sidney shouts grabbing at her hair.

“Shh.” Prodigy says holding Sidney close. “All we can do is hope….hope that my vision is wrong.”

“What am I going to do if I lose my other sister? SiSi is gone, and now-” Sidney doesn’t finish.

“I’m tired of losing people…” Roc says slamming his hand into a mirror, everyone is too sad to be startled.

All of them are sad, and they are hoping and praying Rae’s is going to be okay.


Rae is crying she doesn’t understand why Princeton is treating her like this. Why he won’t at least talk to her. She sees her phone lighting up on the passenger seat floor, she picks it up from the floor and swerves. She loses control of the car, as it starts to spin. She can’t get a grip, she starts to panic. Princeton who is far ahead of her he can still see her, and he realizes she’s in trouble from reading her thoughts. Dread forms in the pit of his stomach. Rae hit’s a car head on.

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Princeton lets out an earsplitting scream. He turns the car around and goes to Rae as fast as he can. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to kill himself for doing this to her. He can’t read her thoughts anymore, that’s when he realizes that she might be…..gone…. For good.

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