Ch.16: Get Away

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"You're going to take me to Rae, SiSi and Sidney now! If you don't I will make you and then I will kill you, okay?" Zaakar tells Vincent.

"Who are you?" Vincent asks him as he steps back.

"I'm Malachi's brother." He says as he gives him an evil laugh.

"Why do you need my daughters and what did you do with my pilot?" Vincent asks him starting to get angry.

"My brother needs them. They know why, and if they don't they soon will." He tells him and stares evily.

"If you touch my daughters it will take everything in me not to kill you and i doubt that will even work, okay?" Vincent tells him sarcastically.

"You may want to just take me to them so I won't have to do anything crazy." Zaakar tells him and winks.

Vincent sits next to Tamar. "I need you to text the boys and tell them not to go home at all between the next few days!" He tells Tamar.

"Why?" She asks as she starts to panic.

"Just do what I told you to, okay? I'll explain!"

She texts the boys phone but she's scared that they won't see it since they didn't even answer any of her phone calls. "Now you wanna tell me what's going on?" 

"The king's brother has hi-jacked our jet and he wants us to take him to the girls." Vincent explains.

"How the hell did he get in here without us knowing?"

"I don't know but that feeling that you were getting must not have anything to do with our boys but more so with our girls. We have to protect them!" Vincent tells her as he squeezes her hand.

"We just better hope that they're not there when we get home. I can't imagine anything happening to my babies!" Tamar tells him as she tries to shake her bad feelings off of her.


 Roc and Prodigy make it back home. Sidney rushes into Prodigy's arms.

"I missed you, where did you go?" She asks as she holds him. Ray nods his head at Prodigy.

"I think it's time that we maybe take our relationship to the next level...." Prodigy tells her nervously. "What do you mean?" Sidney asks him as she sits on her bed.

He closes the door behind them. "I want to make love to you. I know you're probably not ready but I am and I don't want to pressure you but so much is happening right now with us, I just don't want to miss a moment with you." Prodigy explains quickly.

Sidney reads his mind so she knows Malachi's plan but she acts as if she doesn't know.

"I want to make love to you too. C'mon!" She says as she gets on top of him and starts kissing him passionately. She's nervous but she'd rather have a child with the love of her life instead of the evil king. Prodigy has no idea she can read minds and wonders why she was so open to having sex. 


"Why were you so rude to you parents?" Princeton asks Rae.

"What parents? They died when they left us. I'm not a weak bitch like SiSi that's just going to forgive them because they're being nice...fuck them!" Rae says harshly. 

"I know how you can be but this is beyond you! I don't know who this girl in front of me is." 

"I'm Rae! I'm sorry but they hurt me when they left me."

"If they hadn't have left you we wouldn't have met. You have to look at the bright side of things baby, damn!"

Rae sighs loudly. "I never thought of it like that..."

"And maybe they did what they felt was best, you never know till you talk to them." He tells her and kisses her forehead. 

"You're right but right now I don't want to do any talking." Rae says sexily.

"So what you wanna do?" Prince asks as he puts his hands on her waist.

"I wanna do you!" Rae whispers in his ear and pushes him forcibly on the bed. 

Princeton's eyes get big from the shock of her strength. 

"Oops I'm sorry, I forgot I was stronger now." Rae says and laughs but he shrugs it off and takes control of her body and makes sweet love to her. 


Roc is pacing the floor. SiSi is laying on the bed. She knows somethings wrong from the emotions she can feel from him. She refrains from reading his mind even thought she wants to. "Baby, what has you stressed?" She asks him. 

"I'm not stressed!" He snaps.

She stands up quickly. "Change your tone when you're speaking to me!"

"I'm sorry, maybe I just miss you and I have issues right now." He says and looks away.

"I know what will help you..." SiSi tells him as she caresses his back. 

He gives her a sneaky smile and pushes her against the wall. "What did you have in mind?"

"Kiss me and you'll find out!" She says as she falls victim to his sweet love that she's missed for weeks. 


"Your phone rang earlier but I didn't read the text." Neah informs Ray.

Ray checks his phone. His expression starts to turn to nervousness. "We gotta get away from the house. All of us!" ....................................................................

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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