Chapter 13: Tap into your gift

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Rae bites quickly into Sidney’s wrist, causing her to scream out in pain. Prodigy and the others gasp in shock. Rae can’t stop sucking her blood. Princeton pushes her off of Sidney, even though he knows its dangerous to stop a vampire during feeding. She looks at him blood running down her mouth, fangs barred, and gives him an evil glare. Her eyes are starting to turn from golden to purple.

“Rae control yourself.” Princeton says grabbing Rae. But Rae jerks away from him. The others surrounded Sidney, as she is turning into a vampire. Its too late to stop it because its already spreading too fast with the venom that’s already in her system. Prodigy feels helpless as he watches her, her pain is his pain.

Rae is still mad with blood lust, all she wants is blood. RAE STOP IT! Princeton thinks sternly in his head, she hears it and stops dead in her tracks. She’s your sister Rae! Think please. Princeton continues to beg.

Rae comes back to herself again. “How did you do that?” Rae asks.

Princeton shrugs.

“Princeton, get her out of here.” Prodigy shouts.

“Where do I take her?” Princeton asks.

“I don’t care anywhere but here! She’s a baby vampire we should have known better than to have Sidney here.” Prodigy says holding Sidney close.

Rae feels terrible for what she has done to her own sister. “I’m sorry Prodigy, I really am.”

Prodigy knows she’s not entirely to blame but he can’t help but pin the blame on her. “What if you had of bitten too deep? What if you had of sucked for too long? What if you had of killed her, I can’t live with-“ His voice breaks, “Just go. Leave.” he says. Rae lingers making sure Sidney is okay. “Leave damn it!” He yells.

Princeton grabs Rae firmly, and kisses her cheek. Rae holds her head down in shame. Roc and Ray pat her back in encouragement as her and Princeton disappear through the trees.

Prodigy waits for Sidney to wake up, but he doesn’t sense any type of life within her, he just hopes and prays she will wake up.

“You know she didn’t mean to right? Her blood lust is blinding right now, as a baby vampire that’s all she wants to do is drink blood, she wouldn’t do that to her own sister on purpose.” Ray defends.

Prodigy glares at him. “This is Rae we’re talking about. Who knows what goes on in that selfish head of hers.” He says coldly, and continues to wait for Sidney to wake up.


“Damn. Damn. Damn!” SiSi says, getting glimpses of Prodigy waiting for Sidney to wake up.

“What is it Alaysia?” Savannah asks.

“With all do respect I think Alaysia is a beautiful name but I’m SiSi, and I would appreciate if you would refer to me as such.”

Savannah and Christopher nod.

“What did you see SiSi?” Savannah asks.

“I don’t think I can see the future, I think I have glimpses of what is already happening. I see Prodigy standing over Sidney. Rae bit her, she was blinded by blood lust.” SiSi says.

“SiSi you must try to block MalachI from seeing this.” Christopher says.

“How would I do that?” SiSi asks.

“Concentrate hard. I can sense that you have more power than any of us including MalachI combined, you need to tap into your gift.” He says.

“So I can stop him from seeing that she’s a vampire?” She asks.

He nods, “you must try. Try to block his visions.”

SiSi tries to tap into her power, she needs to stop MalachI from seeing Sidney as a vampire so he doesn’t come after her too she’ll do anything to protect her family.

Stay tuned. -Rae

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