Ch.12: Devour

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Princeton jumps out of his vehicle and speeds to Rae's pink bug. He sees nothing but her drenched in blood. The other people in the vehicle she hit are either knocked out or dead he can't tell for sure. He bursts Rae's window and pulls her out. She's still alive but unconcious. He can tell she doesn't have too much longer to live. He calls Vincent and Tamar to see what he should do. He's panicking and can hardly speak. "Vincent!!!!" He struggles to say through his tears. Vincent starts to worry. "What is it?!" he asks over the phone trying to keep his composure. "Rae was in a deadly and I don't think she's going to make it!" Princeton tells him. "You have to make a big decision at this point. if you truly believe she's not going to survive this you have to decide whether you want to keep her alive or let her go forever." Vincent tells him. "When you say keep her alive you mean change her don't you?" Princeton asks him in fear. Tamar snatches Vincent's phone. "You either want to spend the rest of your life with her if you feel like she has a reason to live or you can let her die. Maybe she had a worthwhile life already. It's up to you now baby boy." Tamar tells him. princeton stares at Rae's dying body. He's confused as to what he should do because he never wanted to change her unless she truly wanted it for herself. She opens her eyes and gives him a slight smile. He knows exactly what he has to do. "This is going to hurt you but I know you have so much more to your destiny." He tells her and bites into her neck and lets his venom take over her body. Vincent and Tamar are listening over the phone. They know what decision he has made and they are proud of him for choosing life for her. He watches as his beauty lays their transforming into everything she was meant to be. He knew this wasn't the way she suppose to become a vampire but eventually she would have turned anyways and he was glad that he was there to save her life. She lays there still for a moment. The others find where they. "Is she dead?" Sidney asks with bloodshot eyes from all the crying. Princeton looks up at Sidney and smiles. "You turned her didn't you?" Prodigy asks him. Princeton nods. Sidney grabs Princeton and hugs him tight. "Thanks you for saving her. I know this isn't how you wanted it to be but atleast now you can have her for an eternity." Sidney tells him and kisses his cheek then grabs Prodigy's hand. "How does it feel to know that you made her who she is now?" Ray asks him. "It feelslike I did what was right. What I know she would have wanted me to do." He answers. The moment is bitter sweet for him. Rae is still laying still. Suddenly her eyes pop open. Her bright golden eyes, mirroring his. The first person she sees is Princeton. "I don't know why but you look even more beautiful in these eyes than you did before." She tells him as she sits up. He smiles and hugs her. She lays eyes on Sidney. She smells her blood. She feels herself wanting to taste what's keeping Sidney alive. She stands quickly and grabs a hold of Sidney..................................................................


Malachi gets vision quickly. He sees Rae as a vampire. He bursts into the dungeon and laughs loudly. Savannah stares at him as if he's a crazy man gone wild. "Your eldest daughter has joined the team or atleast soon she will." Malachi tells them. SiSi stands up quickly. "What do you mean?" SiSi asks him in shock. "She's a vampire like you which means she must be captured as well so I can use her powers too." He says and gives off a evil smile. "It's way too soon, you're making this up to get us mad. It won't work!" SiSi says angily. She soon gets a vision of her sister about to devour Sidney. She starts to shake in terror. "You seen her?" Malachi asks her with a smirk. SiSi drops to the floor. "What is it Alaysia?" Savannah asks her. SiSi is too terrified to even notice that her mom called her by her birthname. "Rae is a vampire and I seen her killing Sidney. So if my vision is right Sid isn't turned yet!" SiSi says hurt. "I can't let her kill Sidney, I need all three of you guys to-" he cuts it off as he notices that he's about to disclose his secret plan. "You'll never get my other 2 sisters! I won't let you!" SiSi tells him as she feels herself feeling compassion. Something she hasn't felt since she became a vampire. Her eyes aren't as dark of red as they started out being. "Your eyes are changing Alaysia...." Christopher tells her. She just stares at him as Malachi tries to analyze why these changes are happening to her.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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