Chapter 15: Trouble

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“You have to impregnate the girls.” Ray tells Prod and Roc outside of the house in the edge of the forest the only place where they can be sure the girls can’t hear them.

The boys just stare at Ray like he has grown two heads. “What?” They both say in shock.

Ray nods sadly.

“What the hell do you mean impregnate?“ Roc asks dumbly.

“Well Roc, impregnates means get them pregnant.“ Ray clarifies.

Roc rolls his eyes, “ I know that! But they are vampires now, they can’t even get pregnant.” Roc says confusion while scratching his head.

“Yes they can. Rae seen it in a vision.“

“She has visions too?“ Prodigy asks.

Ray becomes frustrated as they keep interrupting. “The girls aren’t your typical vampires since they were in the womb while they’re mom was bitten. They already had venom in their system which was spreading more every year, making them not fully human but now that they were bitten they have double the venom in their system making them one of the most powerful vampires to date. They are so powerful that their womb is not frozen they don’t really have any stimulation on their powers. Their insides are still warm but the outside is immortal so they can still have kids without aging. And Malachi knows this, that’s why he wants to have children with them, because their offspring will be the powerful, even more powerful than him. He needs those kids for his army.”

Prodigy and Roc are in shock.

“Sidney and I aren’t ready for sex yet, and I’m certainly not ready to be a father yet.”

“I know. But this is a life and death situation you’re both going to have to get ready quick, because if you don’t it could be fatal.” Ray says.

Prodigy holds his head down.

“I can’t believe this. We need to get away from this house for a while.”

“What about school?” Prod asks.

“Forget school, and plus the break is coming up in two days, we’ll just leave for our break earlier than everyone else.” Ray says.

“I guess so. Where are Tamar and Vince? And we need to tell the girls and do something about Christopher and Savannah.”

“NO! We can’t! Prince said not to tell the girls!” Ray shouts.

“How the hell are we going to convince the girls of this if we can’t tell them?” Roc asks bewildered.

“I don’t know I’m sure you’ll think of something the girls cannot know about this or it could be a chance MalachI will find out. Sweet talk them, Sidney doesn’t know she’s capable to bear children yet, just romance her and get her pregnant.” Ray suggests.

“What about SiSi? She knows the power she is capable of.”

“Just try to get her into bed.” Ray says.

“What if she insists I wear a condom?” Roc asks worriedly.

“Make her so dizzy with lust and need that she won’t even think about a damn condom.” Ray says.

“This is going to be hard.” Roc says. Ray shrugs as they all try to figure it out.


Vince and Tamar are on their way home from Alaska. They have been on their private jet for what seems like years. Tamar senses that something isn’t right, but she shrugs the feeling away. Vince notices her distress.

“What is it babe?”

“I have a bad feeling.” Tamar says. Vince knows her “feelings” are usually spot on.

“We need to call the kids to make sure their alright.” Vince suggests.

They call but they can’t get any of the kids to answer their phones. This adds to Tamar’s worries.

“Vince something isn’t right, we should have been home like 2 hours ago.” Tamar tells him.

Vince looks at his watch. “You’re right bae.” Vince says walking up to the pilot area. “Excuse me?” Vince calls.

The pilot answers but doesn’t turn around. “We were supposed to be home about two hours ago, and there’s no storms or anything so why aren’t we home by now?” Vince asks politely.

“Because…” He says.

“Because what? My wife and I need to be home. We don’t pay your asses for nothing! We should have been home, this shit is coming out of your pay.”

The pilot doesn’t answer.

“You hear me? Turn around and talk to me!” Vince yells.

But when the man turns around Vince wishes he hadn’t, Vince gasps in shock as red eyes stare back at him…………….


Rae is stressed she lost her ability to hunt when she had the vision from hell. Her visions make her feel everything that person is feeling in her vision so she feels dirty watching MalachI rape her in that moment.

“Prince…. What if he rapes me. What if this plan doesn’t even work?” Rae asks hysterically. Prince tries to pull her toward his but she flinches away, she can feel MalachI’s dirty hands on her groping her like in the vision.

“Rae nothing is going to happen to you, I promise.”

Rae looks at him with tear filled eyes, that can never be shed. “How can you promise that? He’s strong and his army, if he wanted me there would be nothing you could do. I love you and I trust you but when it comes to MalachI nothing can stand in his way.” Rae says sadly making her way back to the mansion.

“I will protect you Rae. I don’t care what I have to do, you will be safe, I will make sure of that.” Prince vows barely above a whisper, as he follows her back to the house.

Once they are both inside they see SiSi and Sidney around the kitchen table with two strange looking people.

“Who are you?” Rae asks.

Savannah and Christopher stand up. “Is that you Peyton?”

“You’re so beautiful.” Christopher says.

Rae is taken aback. “My name is Rae.“ She says putting emphasis on her name. “Who are you?”

“Your birth parents.” They say in unison. 

Rae is shocked, but her shock quickly turns to anger. “I don’t have birth parents, they’re dead to me.” She says and walks off.

Princeton apologizes to them on Rae’s behalf and then goes upstairs to check on Rae.

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now