Chapter 5: Matters into our own hands.

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“I can’t just stay here in school when Rae is in danger. I can‘t pretend like nothings wrong.” Prince says angrily.

“Prince you know what Vince and Tamar sa-” Roc starts.

“I don’t give a fuck! The love of my life is in trouble, and I need to find her.” Princeton says in cold hard voice, his gold eyes look scary. The group is shocked they have never seen Princeton look so venomous. “I’m not going to sit around and wait, we take matters into our own hands!”

“What are we going to do?” Roc asks as the bell to their fourth hour class rings, no one bothers to move.

“We’re going to find Rae.” Princeton says, looking at him like he’s dumb.

“I’m in.” They all say.

“Good.” Princeton says.

“But how?” SiSi asks. “How do we get her back?”

Princeton concentrates really hard. He is trying to see if he can read Rae‘s thoughts from such a great distance. He tries really hard, he pushes everything else from his mind, and concentrates solely on Rae.

“She’s somewhere dark.” Princeton says his eyes closed tightly as he continues to concentrate.

“That helps a lot.” Roc says under his breath sarcastically.

Princeton, please. I don’t know if you can hear me,… But if you can please help me. He’s going to kill me. He hears her thoughts.

She looks around, and he sees a few landmarks that might pinpoint them to her exact location, and his eyes snap open.

“He has her tied up in some dark place.” Princeton says. “She’s scared he’s going to kill her.”

“How are we going to find it?” Prodigy asks.

“I saw a few landmarks, I think I know where she might be.”

Prodigy zones out, as a vision racks his body. “We have to hurry Zaakar is out right now. He was given strict orders from the King vampire not to kill Rae. His blood lust is at its peak being so close to a human he wants to kill her, that’s why she’s scared. He is out hunting to ensure he doesn’t hurt her.” Prodigy says.

“King vampire?” SiSi asks puzzled.

“There’s a king?” Sidney asks.

“Apparently so. I never knew that.” Prodigy says, as he zones back in on the conversation.

Ray and Neah get quiet, however no one notices because they are too focused on Rae.

“We need to leave before he comes back, we need to save her now.” Roc says.

“What about school?”

“Fuck that!” Princeton says, as he walks out of the school.

All of the others follow close behind.


“Princeton we’ve been walking for half an hour, are we close yet?” Neah asks.

“We’re almost there.” He says.

“Time’s a wasting.” Prodigy says looking at his watch. When one thirty hits Zaakar will be back from his hunt.

“Look the sun is coming out.” Neah points. The sun doesn’t affect her like it affects them. Being out in the sun won’t kill them since their full off of animal blood but it will slow them down tremendously and they don‘t have any time to waste.

“Stay hidden in the trees, as much as you can.” Princeton says.

He stops suddenly, as they see a sunflower garden. 

“We’re getting close, I seen this garden in Rae’s head. She was panicking when Zaakar took her, but when she saw these flowers it calmed her down a little. She loves them.” Prince says sadly.

“Prince its one now, we have thirty minutes to find this place.” Sidney says.

“I know,” He says quietly.

They continue to walk when they come to a dead end.

“NO!” Prince yells, “this can’t be!” He says pulling at his hair.

“Look!” SiSi points to a small rundown cabin, that’s really dark.

“Maybe she’s in there.” Ray says.

“I hope so.” Princeton says.

“Its one twenty Prince, we have 10 minutes.” Prodigy says.

“Let’s go.”

They all proceed into the dark cabin.

Princeton knows that familiar heartbeat anywhere. Its music to his ears. He memorized it when he first fell in love with her. He has become obsessed with the sound as she lays on his chest at night and listens to it, and stays up watching her sleep all night. He hears light sniffles, as his eyes adjust to the darkness.

I love you Princeton. If I never see you again I love you so much. And I wish I could have been a better girlfriend to you. She thinks in her head.

“I love you too, and you are a great girlfriend.” Princeton says, as he comes across a tied up and bleeding Rae.

“Princeton! Baby!” She squeals in joy.

“Rae, I’m so sorry.” he says as he unties her. He scoops her up into his arms. “I should have been there for you.” He says.

“You’re always here for me whenever I need you. Thank you so much. How did you do it?”

“I heard you in my mind.” Princeton says, he kisses her tenderly on her lips.

“I didn’t think I would ever see you again.” she cries.

“Shhh babe its okay, I’m here now.” He says as he holds her close.

“Okay love birds I know you two are happy to see each other, and I’m happy to see you too sis but we have exactly one minute to get out of here.” SiSi interrupts their happy reunion.

They all turn to leave, when the door to the cabin opens.

“Well well well, what do we have here?” A tall purple eyed man says. “Where do you think you’re going so soon?” He says as he smiles at them with fanged teeth.

Stay tuned. -Rae

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