Chapter 9: The Ring

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Tamar and Vince leave the boys at home much against their will, but they promise to go to school, and not leave the house afterward.

Tamar and Vince take their private jet to Alaska to visit some fellow vampire friends of theirs to try to coerce them into fighting alongside them to protect their loved ones against the King’s army. 

“Standing up against the king? Hell no, are you out of your mind?” Delilah asks, her purple eyes staring fiercely at Tamar and Vince.

Tabitha, Nathan, Johanna, Elizabeth and Delilah are all fellow friends of Tamar and Vince, they all follow the code of drinking animal blood and only feeding humans once they are already pronounced dead, killing humans in a hunt is against their beliefs.

“You owe us a damn favor!” Tamar rudely says, losing her patience.

“We understand that Tay, but we’re not standing up to King MalachI and his army, that’s completely out of the question.” Nathan says, running his fingers through his short cropped blonde hair.

“This is important to us! Our child could be killed, or turned…..” Vince voice breaks, this is the first time he has referred to SiSi as their child.

“Look, we want to help.. And we hope everything turns out fine but we can’t go up against the king!” Tabitha says.

“We know we owe you two a favor but this is too big of a favor. I will not go against the king.” Elizabeth blurts.

Tamar loses control. “you all are so damn scary! We can stand up to the king and his damn army if you would just take a stand. We outnumber them, we all know other vampires!”

“Tamar is right if we all band together, and fight getting every vampire against them they wouldn’t stand a chance.” Vince says.

“You both are naïve if you believe that. No one is going to stand up against King MalachI. Everyone is too afraid, his army is too powerful and too strong.” Johanna says.

“You all are a bunch of scary ass bitches! And when the king wants to summon you to use your fucking power don’t say we didn’t warn you!” Tamar says as she grabs Vince’s hand “Let’s go Vince we’re wasting time.“ and they both exit their friends home. 

Meanwhile back at home after school Rae is in the garden thinking when Roc slowly creeps behind her.

“Hey.” He whispers softly..

“Hey yourself.” She says nonchalantly.

She’s sitting on the made for two swing set. “May I sit with you?” He asks.

She shrugs, and he sits.

“I still feel so bad about hitting you Rae. I just wish there was someway I could make it up to you.”

She looks at him with tear filled eyes. “I still can’t believe you did that. Everything is going wrong, everything..”

“I know.” He says softly.

“Prince and I got into a huge fight today in school…” She blurts.

Roc looks shocked. “Why? Your relationship seems perfect.”

She laughs without humor. “I wish it was. Things are just pulling us apart, he’s shutting me out, I’m not sure if he loves me anymore.”

“Of course he loves you! Are you blind, that boy is crazy over you.”

She just shrugs. “I feel so alone. Like I have no one. SiSi is gone. Sidney hates me, Princeton is shutting me out. I don’t have any parents…. I hate absolutely no one.” She cries.

Roc grabs her hand. “You have me, you’re my friend, and I’m always here for you.”

She half smiles. “I forgive you about the incident… I know you were going crazy over SiSi I don’t blame you.” Roc squeezes her hand.

“I promise you I will never lay another hand on you again.” He says.

She smiles and looks at his hand that‘s laying on top of hers“I think you already broke that promise.”

He laughs. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah. I know.” she says as she leans her head on him.

“I miss SiSi.“ He whispers.

“Me too.“ she says, as they continue to swing together in silence. 

Princeton looks on at their strictly platonic conversation and becomes jealous, he knows nothing is going on between the two of them but that doesn’t stop the green eyed monster  from entering his heart. He goes back to his room, where he wonders how things got so complicated.

SiSi feels evil scrumming her, she feels the evil growing through her body. When an evil vampire turns a human the human who was bitten becomes evil too.

“My darling you are lovely.” Malachi says as he admires SiSi, her ruby red eyes glistering. She takes in her surroundings as she looks around.

“You tricked me!” She says angrily coming to her senses, her fangs appear, as her anger grows. Her nails grow long, she has claws. The sound her voice is different, she hardly recognizes herself. “How could you do that?” She gets up and pushes him hard with her new vampire strength and he moves back several feet.

Malachi gets up quickly and composes himself. "I only did it for your own good." He says with a smirk.

"NO! You did that for you!" She shouts, she scratches him with her long red claws and scars his face.

Malachi is about to get angry, "you want to fight? I can give you a fight!" He says getting into a crouching position, his long fangs appear.

Her birth parents look on, in shock from the events that are taking place.                                                 


"I'm going inside okay?" Rae whispers to Roc, he's lost in his thoughts and he nods his head absentmindedly. She pats his shoulder and then goes inside.

She goes into Princeton's room. He's not there.

"Prince?" She calls, but he doesn't answer.

She looks on the bed and a huge diamond ring is sitting on the bed. She gasps, and he appears out of nowhere.

"Rae," He whispers approaching her. He gets down on one knee in front of her.

She is taken aback, as she stares at him wide eyed. Tears shine in her eyes.

“Will you marry me?”

Rae is speechless as she stares at him……………………………….............................

Stay tuned.

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