Chapter 21: Truth comes to light......

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Roc comes bursting through the door furry in his eyes, SiSi follows far behind she’s scared that the truth is going to come out.

“Rae!!!” Roc calls angrily. “Come down here!” He commands.

She comes downstairs. “What?” She answers back in the same tone as him.

“You set me up! I can’t believe I trusted you…. You are just a low down dirty…….”

Rae interrupts him, before he goes to far. “What do you mean I set you up?” Rae asks confused.

“Don’t play dumb! You blocked your thoughts and mine from SiSi and Prince.” He says. “I think you may like me more than you say you do, and I don’t like you! I never will the kiss we shared was meaningless, I love SiSi.”

Princeton and SiSi enter at the same time, SiSi is nervous because she knows everything is about to come out.

“I don’t feel anyway toward you. And I didn’t do that on purpose! I’m new to these damn powers, I would never do that to you, I have nothing to hide I wouldn’t set you up!” Rae defends herself. “I may do a lot of things but I would never do that.”

“Yeah right!” Roc looks to Princeton and punches him. “That’s for kissing my girl.” Roc says.

Rae shrieks and immediately goes to check on Princeton. “Baby, are you okay?” She asks.

Princeton is seeing red. “Yeah I kissed her but she kissed me back.” Princeton says touching the spot where Roc hit.

Roc is stunned. “You lied to me?” Roc asks hurt turning to SiSi.

“Well…. Technically I didn’t lie…” SiSi stutters.

“You made it seem like this was all Rae’s fault and you also made it seem like you didn‘t kiss Princeton back…” Roc says.

“I’m sorry Roc, I just didn’t want you getting angry…” SiSi says.

“You should have just told me the truth..” Roc says, turning back to Rae. “I’m sorry I accused you.” He says.

“Whatever, I don’t want to be friends with someone who always thinks the worst of me.” Rae says, “who thinks I’m so low down and dirty that I would trick them. Someone who thinks I like them more than I do. I don’t want to be friends with you ever Roc. Don’t ever say another word to me, you lost a good friend in me. I hope you and SiSi live happily ever after.“ She says grabbing Princeton’s hand.

Roc is hurt he glares at SiSi who avoids eye contact with him.


Ray and Arabella have a friendly conversation with lots of laughter. He likes her as a friend, she’s cool but he doesn’t see her more than anything but a friend.

“Well its getting late. I better be getting back home.” Arabella says getting up.

“Thanks for stopping by, let me walk you out.” He says.

“You should come to my house one day, my sisters would love to meet you.” Arabella says.

“That’d be great.” Ray says.

“See you later Ray.” Arabella kisses him on the cheek and then disappears into her house.

Ray goes upstairs to check on Neah.

“Hey baby, are you calm now?” Ray asks.

“Did you have fun with your new friend.” Neah asks studying him closely.

“Actually I did. She seems cool, you should get to know her, I think you would like her.” Ray says smiling.

“I don’t want to be friends with no bitch that’s trying to steal my man.” Neah says.

“She’s not trying to steal me babe relax.” Ray says.

“Lie again!!!” Neah yells.

“I’m not lying babe.” Ray says.

“Well why is that red lipstick stain on your cheek?”

Ray just stares at her.

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now