Chapter 17: Greenland

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“Aye!!!!!!! Everybody.” Ray says loudly. “We gotta get out of here asap!” He says, but no one answers him they are too busy in their intimate moment.

This angers Ray, and he yells louder. “I know ya’ll fools can hear me, I said we gotta get out of here now!”

He hears the groans from upstairs, as the couples descend, anger clearly written on their faces.

“We were in the middle of some things.” SiSi says her hair in tangled mess.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your little love fest but unless you want to stay here and die alone I suggest we get the hell out of here?”

“What do you mean?” Sidney asks her face flushed.

“I got a message from Tamar she didn’t explain anything she just says we need to get out of here fast.” Ray says.

“What is it about?” Princeton asks looking at Prodigy.

“I can’t get a read on Tamar or Vince someone is blocking my visions.” Prodigy says.

“Can either one of you girls see anything?” Princeton asks.

They all try to look into Tamar and Vince’s future but they can’t get anything either.

“Nothing.” Rae says.

“Me either.” SiSi says.

“Nada.” Sidney adds.

“Well we need to get out of here fast!” Ray says, “There’s no telling what is about to go down and I’m not going to be around to find out.” He says.

“I’m with you, let’s call up MB’s private jet and have them come get us.” Roc says.

“Where are we going to go?” SiSi asks.

“The vacation house in Greenland.” Prodigy suggests.

“Good idea, I’ll call Walter and have him pick us up in the jet.” Princeton says going to make the call.

“Wait, what are we going to do about Savannah and Christopher.” Rae says rudely.

“Obviously we’re going to take them along with us.” SiSi says.

Rae smiles sarcastically. “Oh joy.” She says.

“Be nice Rae.” Roc says and chuckles.

Rae rolls her eyes, “for you I will Roc.” She says and they both burst into laughter.

Prince and SiSi look at one another, at Roc and Rae’s new found connection but say nothing.

The jet is there for them in no time, and they are off to Greenland to get away from the danger.

-Stay tuned Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book II- Mindless Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now