Chapter 23: When evil creeps in....

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“Babe. I’m sorry… I lied.” Rae says the in the wee hours of the night. “I never meant to hurt you, I just got so mad when I had that vision of you and SiSi kissing…” Rae pleads with him to understand. She moves closer to him. “I would never hurt you intentionally Princeton. I had no idea I was blocking Roc and I from you, he was just showing me how to hunt nothing more nothing less, I should have admitted everything instead of lying about it, and for that I am truly sorry. I just can’t believe you didn’t trust me enough to have faith that I would never cheat on you.” Rae tell him honestly.

Princeton snaps out of his anger, “Rae I am so sorry. I didn’t know what to think when I couldn’t read you I panicked, I lost it, and I’m so sorry for that. I should have trusted you and our relationship, you mean so much to me.”

“You got a funny way of showing it.” Rae teases flashing her dimples, which makes him melt a little.

“I really am sorry, and from now on I will have faith in you, and trust you. Its been a while since I had a relationship… I’m kind of new to all this.” He says.

“Its okay. I’m new too but we’ll figure all of this stuff out together. We all mistakes that we have to learn from, I love you.”

“So that means you forgive me?” He asks.

She nods her head, “but don’t let this shit happen again boy.” She says climbing into his lap.

“I love you Rae.” Princeton says.

“Forever?” She asks.

“Forever.” He says as he kisses her softly, and feels her with desire.


The evil is fighting its way back into SiSi. Malahi’s bite starts throbbing and she feels his evil presence. Her eyes start to turn blood red again, and her fangs appear, she tries to stop it but she can’t. She is overcome by it, as she gets angry all over again at the situation of Roc and Rae. She wants revenge she wants blood, she wants to hurt them for making her feel like this. She has a war raging within her body apart of her wants to seek revenge but the other part wants to overcome the evil with good, but she doesn’t know how. She closes her eyes to try and clear her head.

“SiSi?” Roc interrupts her thoughts.

“What?” She says in an eerie tone that she doesn’t recognize.

“What’s wrong with your voice?” Roc asks.

She turns around to glare at him, “I don’t know.” She says. “Roc help me.” The good side of her says.

He rushes to her, and notices her blood red eyes. “What’s happening?”

“MalachI its like he’s trying to fight his way inside me, the bite he gave me its powerful.” She says.

He looks at the bite marks on her neck they’re glowing red. “I have read about this SiSi, if you get bitten by someone evil they can use your body if you get angry enough MalachI is trying to use you.” Roc says

“How do we stop him?” SiSi says trying to fight MalachI, but she’s losing herself.

“We have to kill him, that’s the only way the evil will stop.” Roc says.

“Roc get out of here.” SiSi says, she knows soon she will not be herself.

“I’m not leaving your side.” Roc says stubbornly.

“Leave now!” SiSi’s says her voice turning octaves lower.

Roc still won’t budge even though he’s scared to pieces if MalachI takes over her body there’s no telling what he might try to get her to do.

SiSi takes the little sanity she has left and runs out of the house and away from anyone she might hurt.

Roc is about to follow her but something in emotions tell him not to, but it doesn’t feel like SiSi it feels like MalachI.


“Are you sure you’re ready?” Prodigy asks hovering over Sidney.

“Yes. I want you, I want all of you.” Sidney says.

“I never pictured our first time to be like this.” He says, “I wanted to make it special.”

“As long as you and I are together, it its special… now please Prodigy I can’t wait any longer, fuck me.” Sidney moans.

Prodigy quickly obliges and slides inside of Sidney.


Ray finds himself on the couch with Arabella, talking when Arabella kisses Ray on the lips.

“What’d you do that for?” He asks.

She giggles, “because I like you Ray.” She says batting her long eye lashes.

“I like you too but-”

“But what?” Arabella interrupts.

Ray is conflicted he is drawn to Arabella, but he is in love with Neah. He doesn’t know what to do.

But he has to think quick because Arabella starts kissing his neck.


Zaakar is about to enter Tamar when his phone rings.

“Damn it!” He curses and hurriedly answers the phone. “Yes boss?” Zaakar answers.

“We know where they are, come here immediately.” MalachI says………………….

Stay tuned -Rae

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