Vanished Arc: Chapter 16 ~ 'Tvrh Back'

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* Zera, an illusion created by Mavis unconsciously *

The sea breeze was heard and the cool wind blew, making a second chilly. Cairi, now with her torn up, sand-stained dress, walks to Lucy, wondering why she was staring coldly at the newly discovered cave in front of them.

She stood beside her and held her arm with her other hand. "What is there that caught your attention greatly?"

The dull look of Lucy was a bit altered but only answered with a low voice "This is the cave where the necklace is located. It is the one that can save our guildmate, Juvia."

"Will you enter the cave?"

Lucy stepped forward. "We must. As it is for the one who we also care the most."

"I see. I guess your guild lives up to its name. No wonder other guilds idolize your guild's people."

"Thanks for that, Cairi. For now, we must separate into two groups. The other group will find find food in this island and the other group will follow me. We will enter the cave and search for the fall. Only then, we can leave this island." Lucy stated.

"Great strategy, Lucy. But I think I should go with the others. We can't leave them alone in this place. We have yet encountered the island's guardian as the book said, besides, I think you can take care of everybody with you.'' Erza stepped aside.


Lucy's P.O.V.

As I averted my gaze, Erza and the other survivors separated ways to find everything Erza told them. Everyone else in the guild and Cairi were the ones to follow my side. A sense of anxiety and fear try to stop me. But since this is for Juvia, why not take the risks? Well, not in the way that I'll commit suicide there. Not in the way that we'll lose comrades too, of course. As the master, it is best to take the choice which of where everyone will make it.

Everyone stepped inside the cave. The dark shadows covering us one by one as we enter deeper within. The ground was not so plain. It was so rugged that we were having trouble stepping. I feel the danger as I stepped onto a sharp stone on the way. Troublesome, especially since the further we go in, the darker it gets. Not to mention, it's hot!

A sound of flame came upon us. Glimmering green light illuminated the area. I look at the caster of the magic and saw Cairi with the green flame floating on her hands in the shape of an orb. Then, she moved her other hand onto the orb-shaped flame circumferentially.

"That's nice magic you've got. But what are you doing now?'' Cana asked with a curious look.

''Watch.'' Cairi immediately answered and stopped.

Cool wind suddenly came out of nowhere and at least prevented us from getting heat stroke inside.

''Ahh. Gee thanks!''

Cairi winked.

''Let's move.'' I said in a relieved tone. Obviously, relieved. It almost feels like we brought an air conditioner with us. Feels cold. Her powers are blessings!

Along the way, I notice the sharp stones above us, seemingly being slowly torn down by the dripping water, which I know is 'disgusting', pointing down at us. I didn't know if it was normal for each and every single one of them to be coincidentally pointing at us. I mean, why?

Either way, it's best to be careful. '' Guys, watch out for those sharp stones and disgusting water drops.''

'' You didn't have to say the 'disgusting', you know.'' Someone argued.

''Well,'' I sighed. ''It really is 'disgusting'.''

Probably. The feeling when even a single drop slides on your skin, ugh, I'd scream out of disgust. Even the expression 'eww' won't be enough to describe how disgusted I would be. Well, I'm not exaggerating at all.

I lift up my hand with a bandage rolled on it on my head as a protection. So did the others to avoid hitting the stones above us. The cave seems to be heading down as we go deeper and deeper. And the deeper we go, the smaller the space gets.

We stop beside a dead end. A wall strangely different than the cave' wall itself. It had unusual markings or inscriptions written on it with something red. The writings were shaky that I didn't understood most of it.

'Tvrh back ov yov wiH merer sec fhe emd of if.'

''What now?''

''The writings are so shaky that I couldn't read them properly. It says Tvrh back ov yov viiH meter sec fhe emd of it.''

Cairi gave out a confused gaze as if she was saying I read it wrong. But I swear I read it as good as everyone could!

''Any problem?'' I asked her and gave a way for her to see the writings.

I was waiting for her response as she read it again and again. She was doing something like rewriting the letters again and again with some letters near the originals.

''What is that?''

''Look here.'' She pointed at the first word, Tvrh. ''Everyone knows about the letter similarities right?''

Everyone nodded. I remember them when I was a kid. I thought it was strange that I got a letter wrong, mistaking it for the other letter.

''Here's the deal with this sentence. This word may look like it is Tvrh just like Lucy-san read for it is obvious that the writing is read as Tvrh. But maybe there is something we didn't see through. Look, what are the letters near the letter 'v'?''

I took mistakes a lot of times when I was a kid so I'll probably answer. '''u, 'r', and 'n'''.

''Exactly. How about 'r'?''

''It's just 'v'.'' Wendy answered.

Cairi nodded. I started getting a hint from the info she told us. So we just have to shuffle the letters until we find the real words! Impressive!

We started getting lists of the words we couldn't understand. I never thought that my childhood problems would be of help in the future. Surely, what a great experience.

After several minutes, we finally got the real words behind the letters.

I stopped with a sigh. ''Perhaps it said 'Turn back or you will never see the end of it'?''

I felt fear. Strange. I thought no one came here besides the person who discovered this island long ago. How was this written? He never said anything about a warning.

''Hey, guess what.'' Cana fingered a letter.

We simply stated at her, not knowing what she was trying to say. ''What?''

She smelled it and tried to distinguish what it was with the texture. I find it weird. She's not acting like a detective now, isn't she?

''Dark red, thick, almost dry, kind of splashy. This is blood.'' She stated with an intensified look.

''Blood?!'' I stepped back.

''Since it is almost dry, this must've been written recently. Not long before we the shipwreck. Ugh. I miss my Berlin! Now I can't face my guild mates.''

She kept on saying unpredictable, surprising bad things about those black spheres that destroyed her ship. Hmm. I feel bad too but isn't she getting overboard? Not like I can do something about it right now.

''Yeah. But we must be more cautious for we have no idea what took place here. The person who last went here must've not noticed the others here.''

''But who is that person?'' Wendy questioned me, holding Carla on her hands.

''It was--'' It was..Y-yur. And somehow related to Laxus..

''Yuri Dreyar.''

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