Vanished Arc: Chapter 17 ~ Sacrifice

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Chapter 17 ~ Sacrifice

Unnatural blow of air came out of nowhere, cooling the group a bit. Cairi had to pause for it will tire her and could be of trouble. Lucy wiped the sweat around her face, still thinking about the anonymous inscriptions.

It had been about half an hour since they separated from Erza and the others, yet Lucy has no idea whether they should follow the order or try to save their comrade, Juvia.

Wendy felt the difficulty Lucy was experiencing. The look on Lucy's was was quite the same when they practiced her powers. Lucy was troubled and confused. Yet the only thing she could do is watch. Everything was out of hand after all.

''I'm stuck.'' Lucy sighed.

Cairi brushed her hair with her fingers and blew her face. ''What a disaster.''

The other three did not make any noise since they entered the dark, ominous cave. Cana found it suspicious but not sure with the others. She chose not to think about it until something happens. It's not a big deal.

With only stares and expectations on Lucy's side, she makes a conclusion, to send someone back to ask for Erza's aide and stay with the others instead. Someone will switch with Erza.

''Wendy, Carla can you go back with Cana and switch with Erza?''

''What? Why?'' Wendy asked.

''I'm gonna need her help with this.''

Carla grabbed Wendy's back. ''I'm fine with that.'' They flee away. Before Cana left, she neared Lucy and whispered her short words.

As she finished, she ran and caught up with Wendy and Carla.

Lucy, startled by the mischievous words Cana left, stared at the footprints left by the others, seemingly confused of what's gone to Cana.

'The guys are not themselves.' Those words echoed in her mind repeatedly that no other ideas entered her. With darkness and heat slowly weakening them, she looks at Gray, Natsu and Happy, terrified.

The three simply stared at her, confused. ''What's up? Don't give me that face.'' Gray told her.

Cairi, Mirajane and Lisanna noticed Lucy's shaking hands slowly grab her keys in her pocket. They were alarmed of Lucy's actions and stood behind her.

Mira transformed into her Satan Soul and stared at the guys.

Cairi and Lisanna simply watched the five as they stand before each other and stare at the weapons on their hands.

A voice, an unfamiliar voice came out of Gray's mouth. ''Very astonishing. What a sight!'' He made a cold blast. Cold air came out of nowhere, smoke blocking everyone's sights.

''Leo! Virgo!'' Lucy spawned. Their sight came back as Leo used his magic's light to fend off the smoke.

''My, my. If it isn't our Master's two best Spirits.'' A woman clapped her hands.

The woman had a long, red dress that covered her mostly. She had another eye on her forehead, staring at Lucy.

''Third eye?!''

''Lucy! Don't look at it!'' Leo shouted.

Lucy quickly closed her eyes and managed to cover Mira and Virgo's.

''You can open them now, I made a barrier but-''.

''Lisanna! Cairi!'' Mira shouted. Lucy was paralyzed as she looked at the two, frozen solid, like ice statues. ''No!!''

''The barrier is just enough for two, sorry. I couldn't strengthen it to make another two. The barrier is worn by your eyes themselves so you can look at her safely.''

Lucy gritted he teeth and glared at the woman. ''Who are you?!''

The woman simply wore a smile on her face. ''I am the Guardian Of The Fall within the cave. You made a terrible mistake to simply enter it.''

''But our friend needs the necklace!''

''Not my problem.''

''It is now.'' Virgo and Leo charged at the woman with incredible speed. The two quickly used their fists to the woman but only missed even with the few repeats.

''It was a mistake to let the other three go. I must hurry and annihilate them.''

''You'll have to face me first!'' Lucy transformed into Sagittarius form, shooting arrows at the path where Wendy, Carla and Cana went.

''Then, I'll kill you first.'' The woman blew cold wind at Leo and Virgo, partially freezing them. ''You were unaware that I had already captured the three I used as disguise. I was the one who was with you the entire time after that ship's sink. My magic did the job to blow off the stupid people who were after the island.''

''You did that?!''

''Yeah I did. And I can do it again.'' She flicked her fingers. The spheres that once destroyed the ship appeared before Lucy. She jumped back and managed to dodge it before it could expand again and kill her.

''Where are Natsu and the others?''

''Nooo idea!!!!'' She threw ice spears at Mira.

Mira blew it off and charged at her. ''Bring back Lisanna and Cairi to normal or I'll kill you!''

Lucy sent Virgo and Leo back to the Celestial World and preserved her strength.

The woman evaded all of Mira and Lucy's attacks and hit Mira at the back. ''Ugh!''

''Mira!'' Lucy aided her. ''Lucy, don't'' Lucy didn't care nonetheless. She ran to her and was hit by an icicle.


Mira struggled to stand up, her bsck was hurt by the blow the woman gave to her. She brought Lucy to a corner. ''What.. are you doing?'' Lucy asked, with blood flowing out from the spot where she was hit.

''Go back there Lucy. I'll take care of her.'' She faced the woman who was sadistically watching Lucy drain out of her energy.

''You can't..none of us could beat her. We don't even know what she can do..''

''I must.'' She held her hand against the roof. She focused her power and blasted off the cave, blocking off the path between her and Lucy.

''Mira!!'' Lucy shouted. Nothing happened. She didn't hear explosions, screams, and pain. As for her, she was starting to feel dizzy.

She landed her head on the floor and lost consciousness.

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