Vanished Arc: Chapter 9 ~ Unexpected Occurences

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¤ Leo, the Lion, has the ability to travel or stay at the Human World on his own will. ¤

Chapter 9 ¤ Unexpected Occurences

Master told us to go home and take a rest. Wendy also went at my house to get her things and go home immediately. Master also told us to go back and so, we did.

I passed by a newly opened cake shop nearby and thought of buying a strawberry cake for Erza as a gift. I'm sure she will accept. Everyone knows she likes cakes.

I looked for the cake with strawberries inside the glass. I had trouble looking even though there were only sixteen cakes inside because of the similarities of the colors. Eventually, I found the cake with two layers. It's strawberries were encircled at the edge of the two layers of the cake and another one at the center. Vanilla was used as a layering and an extra flavoring.

It's perfect.

I asked the person who seems to be the one who baked because of the white apron and the long hat she was wearing of the price of the cake.

She smiled and raked her bangs that fell on her face upwards "Two hundred thousand.". Her red, long, silky hair that was clinging on her shoulder went shiny as the sunlight reached her. She was pretty by the time. She actually is.

The view I just saw stopped me from reacting and I just took the required money from my pocket. She was already preparing the cake I chose into a decorated box so I put the money on the counter. She finished and gave me the box in a large, transparent plastic. I grabbed its handle and left the shop.

I headed straight for the guild while swaying my arms, making the plastic swing. I didn't notice the face I wore until Wendy saw me in front of the guild's repaired door. She told me that I looked very happy and excited that I made her smile too.

Well, we won the promotion so, I guess it is true.

"It's surprising for you to recover quickly, Lucy-san." Wendy walked beside me. She looked at the parts of my body where I was bruised.

It felt awkward to be examined outside when the people are staring at us. I stopped Wendy by saying I didn't know why. But it really might be strange for me to heal at a short amount of time. I don't know any magic that can heal so quickly without me noticing.

The door of the guild suddenly opened with Juvia looking at the ground and hurriedly ran away. Her face was hid by her blue hair and the shadow. Light almost made my eyes close as it reflected at the drops of waters Juvia was leaving. Tears?

I didn't understand what was happening. I ran inside the guild and saw the people inside it surprisingly quiet. They were staring at the woman who just ran away curiously with some, had their jaws wide open. Master was sitting beside an empty jar which Cana seemed to consume already. He was looking down with his eyes closed and held her arms together.

Wendy and I neared him and asked what just happened, confused.

"Tenth, this matter does not involve you. Don't mind it. It's a business Juvia and her partner must solve themselves." He sighed.

He just said 'her partner', right? He said it. We looked for Gray and found him sitting on a table nearby, drinking lemonade juice with notable thirst and suddenly broke it with the table. My eyes widened and my jaw did the same.

He started walking of the guild while biting his lips forcedly that it already started to bleed. Then, Elfman confronted him and stopped him from walking by blocking his way.

"What's your business?" Gray looked at him with an angry face. The look on his face proves that he could attack anyone who dares stand his way.

Elfman stared at him and held his hands tightly. It was like he's gonna punch him.

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