Chapter 8: Development!

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(This is what holle will be wearing.)
We was training with haku as he showed us all pressure points in the human body. Now he's showing us how to hold and throw the senbon needles.
Holle of course was a quick learner but I struggled. I kept dropping the senbon needle as haku show me how to hold it again. "OK. I've got it this time." I said as I picked it up. I then held it, as was shown, and threw it. It stuck into the dummy's shoulder, where a pressure point is at. Holle cheered me on as I wiped my forehead. Then a thought just hit me like lightning. "Chakra needles!" Me and holle yelled. We looked at each other weirdly. "You was thinking the same thing." We said in unison. "Stop that!!" We yelled at each other in unison once again, and laughed. "As I was saying... Chakra needles." Holle said. "It was my idea." I said. "No mine." She said as we glared. "Ok guys calm down. You both can develop it." Haku said. "Hm? A co-op jutsu?" I asked. "Yes. Like you guys can cooperate with each other to perform the jutsu." Haku said. "Good idea. Ok. How are we going to do this Yugi?" Holle asked me. "I don't know. What if we can throw the sebon needles at the targets's pressure points. Then we use use chakra to control the target." I said. "Not bad. But I was thinking we could infuse the senbon needles with our chakra and then throw it at the pressure points." She suggested. I held my chin. "Great idea!!" I said. Then I clashed my hands together as my body split into 2. Making another me. Only a live one. It walked in front of us as me and holle whipped out our senbon needles as the clone stood there lifeless. "Ready!" We said as we channeled our chakra into the senbon needles and guess what. They shattered. "The hell?" I said as they fell on the ground. "I think we infused too much chakra." Holle said. "Right. Let's try just a tad bit of chakra." I said as we got out the senbon again and tried to do the trick again. This time the senbon needles glowed a blue shade now. Then I vanished as I appeared above holle upside down as we throw the needles. We rapidly perform the same handsigns as the senbon stick into the pressure points. I clasped my hands against holle back as I slowly came to the ground. I then pushed slightly off her back as I fade away in a glimpse of darkness. Then appeared by her holding the hand seal tori and she was too. We kept doing that and tried to make my clone arms go up. They twitched and started slowly going up but the arm kept..
Hesitating. The clone was fighting the force. And he had me on the edge. I gritted my teeth as me and holle's hands were forced out their handseals. "We need to add more force." I said. "How? The senbon needles only take little chakra. There isn't much we can do. This is a failed jutsu attempt." Holle said. "Don't give up. I can use my lightning style to paralyze the target." I said. "Great idea! I can use wind style to boost up the needles so they go deeper." Holle said as we tried to do the jutsu again. This time all 6 of my senbon needles, 3 in each hand, sparked with lightning. "Lightning style: paralysis technique." I said as the lightning got brighter a bit. "Wind style: wind needle jutsu." Holle said as we threw our needles as all 12 of the needles multiplied and hit the main pressure points. The lightning then jolted my clone as it relaxed and numbed his muscled. Making his body unmovable at his will. Holle mad our needles shoot way faster with wind jutsu. Then I clasped my hands against her back as I landed beside her. When I tap her back we link chakra. So right now we are one. We held the handseal tiger as the body started moving at our free will. We was controlling it now. I grinned. "Success." I breathed. "Great job. What shall it be called?" Haku asked.
"Well. I've been thinking Sapphire needles." I said. "I was thinking of chakra marionette." Holle said. "That means chakra puppet. It isn't original enough..." I said tapping me chin. "How about Sapphire Marionette!" Holle said smiling brightly. "Cool name!" I said as we high five each other. "You can go talk to the kage to make it an official jitsu." Haku said. "Nahh. We will keep this jitsu our own. Our original jutsu we made together." We said as we grabbed each other hands and shook them. Happy with our success.
I breathed roughly as I whipped out more senbon needles. I'm practicing on trying to hit a moving target. My clone ran around trying its best to dodge my aim. Not only am I improving my accuracy but I'm also improving my agility. I'm supposed to keep up with the clone but also try to hit it. It leaped through the forest as I whispered a jutsu as my senbon needles beamed a bright light. A new jutsu I been working on. Its called the "light style: Needles of Justice." I know. Corny. But I like it. I threw the 6 lit up needles as they zoomed towards the clone going at the speed of light. My clone then quickly moved out the way but then a senbon needle hit him in the shoulder as a blinding light ignited from it as it shattered and so did the other ones. My clone shielded itself from the light as I whipped out more senbon needles. I jump on a tree back as I jump to another branch but I didn't take my eyes off my clone. It seen me and in flashes of light of was dashing ahead of me. I gritted my teeth as I pushed myself harder to go faster. I was slowly making progress as I threw the senbon needles. My clone jumped out the way as I got out my senbon needles. I then jumped out the forest and into a open field seeing my clone. I threw the senbon needles but right after I threw them I whipped out more and constantly threw them. "Ninja art: NEEDLE ASSAULT!!" I yelled as I kept rapidly throwing the needles to the clone and soon he started getting hit. He got hit in all his pressure points because that's where I was aiming. I then held 1 kunai in my hand as the clone breathed in and out. Suffering. "You haven't got me yet." The clone said to me as it got up. "Lightning style: paralysis technique!" I said as I threw the senbon needle at the clone as it charged with lightning that will paralyze your whole body. It clanged against 1 needle as all of them linked and ignited with chakra and lightning. The clone gritted its teeth but soon looked dead. Like he didn't move. He was paralyzed. I did the hand seal tiger as I started flowing my chakra off my body as it then make little strings as they shoot into the senbon needles as the clone head shoots up. But his eyes... They were dark. The white part was dark and his eyes itself was a white. I got scared. I stumbled to my feet. This didn't happen before. "What is this." I said and the clone said it to. "Huh? Stop copying me." I said but it said the same thing. Its like... We are linked. I mean we are but it like some weird sorcery going on here. I stood up as I stared at the clone. "This jutsu... Its like a living puppet... I'll name this... "Dark style: Dark Soul." I said. It sounds unique. I'm not good with names but it sounds OK! Anyway. I then turned my gaze away from the clone as I heard holle voice. The senbon needles shot out the clone body and onto the floor as the clone poofed. "Hm??" I asked. "I see your Practicing your aim." She said smiling. "Yep." I said as I clashed my hands together. "Hm?" She looked confused. "You'll see." I said as all the senbon I had earlier, came floating to me. Even from the forest. All of them. And let me tell you its a enormous pile of senbon needles. Some cracked, broken, and dull. I then whispered a jutsu as the senbon needles float and collide with each other. Then turned into shattered pieces of senbon needle. Holle sweat dropped as a blinding light formed from the enormous group of senbon needles. The light died down and it showed all the needles looking good as new. I do the hand seal tiger as the needles shoot into the air and into my weapon bag on the back of my pants. Then the last one go in as I zip it up. "Well. That was weird. Let's go." Hole said grabbing my hand as we ran back to zabuza.

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