Chapter 20:

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Holle had just told us how the 3, raiden, orochimaru, and nexus was plotting to take over the leaf and kill the hokage. But I knew that though. She was just in a room sitting on the window seal and watch the setting sun. I would call her dramatic but hey. She's having a rough time. But then I stopped as I heard footsteps. I ran down the hallway as I turned into darkness myself. I was the shadows the light created. Holle came out the room as she looked up and down the hall. Then began walking up the hall. She looked really deep in thought. Its my bestfriend duty time. The shadows had divided at the further end of the hall as I formed from the shadows. Walking out from the darkness I looked up at holle. "You OK bestfriend?" I asked. "Yes... No. I'm not." She says. "What's on your mind?" I asked her as the hallway gets lighter and we began walking down it together.
She told me about everything. Like if she fought raiden she was gonna have to use a very powerful rip through the fabric of time and space and suck her into s new universe. And they everybody will forget her and when that happens she will be nothing but a phantom at that matter. Her pictures won't even have a face.
"Remember holle. I'm in this too-" she cut me off. "Stop saying that when you know it isn't true! Your not even bothered by the fact that the only man who loved us and made us shinobi of this village is going to die! Why are you so heartless!" She yelled. I narrowed my eyes at holle. "Look! You do not have to get mad at me because you can't save a useless life!!! He's supposed to die you idiot. Get it through your head! He's bound to die!!" I yelled back. "Your so cold!!!! You never think about anyone but yourself. Your selfish and you always been selfish. Or is Shikamaru getting to you!" She yelled. Now I'm steaming. "He has nothing to do with this!!!! You took it too far! What about gaara! Ever since you guys got together you been shutting us off and giving us the cold shoulder!!! Knock it off because your not strong!!" I yelled back. Her face got red also. "You know nothing about our relationship!!! So just keep your fucking mouth close FAG!!!" holle yelled and I closed my mouth. She was still mad until she realized what she just said. "..." My head hung low. A tear splashed against the floor. "Yugi... I didn't..." I cut her off. "Don't talk to me." I said as I turned on my heels and ran down the hallway. Passing the confused ninjas and patients. "YUGI! WAIT!" I heard holle yell after me but I kept running. Her voice got distant and right now I could feel a huge chunk got taken out of me. I can't believe she said that!!!! UGH!!! "..." It started raining as I stood outside with my left hand against the stone. I grit my teeth. "UGGHHHHG!!!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" I yelled as I repeatedly punched the stone wall making huge dents and all. "HOLLE I HATE YOU!!!!!!" I yelled as the top of my lungs as I punched the huge wall with all my strength. I obliterated it. It crumbled to dust. That's how angry I am. I turn around. People and ninja, again, looking at me in fear. My hair had turned black and my emerald green eyes are now flaming red cat eyes. Just like the nine tails. "What are you looking at!!!" I threatened as the citizens ran. "Get control over yourself!" Hokage sarutobi said as he and his anbu black ops jumped in front of me. "Leave me alone! Or I'll kill you!" I said glaring. He remained unfazed. "You don't scare me. And if you want to kill me. Do it." He said. I kept glaring but I couldn't do it. "Leave me alone." I said until a purple tetragram appeared under my feet. It was quite big to. "Calm down! You DESTROYED HALF MY VILLAGE YOU IDIOT!" sarutobi yelled at me. I looked around to see quite a lot of buildings were crumbled and broken. "I don't care." I said as the tetragram seal below me formed a box barriers. I sat there as my energy drained. I felt weak as my hair faded back red and my eyes turned back to the normal emerald green eyes I have. "Stop turning into your ancestors! I thought you were different." Hiruzen said as I close my eyes. I'm not gonna lie that hurt me like hell. But I won't fall to what a old geezer who's standing at death's door says. I got real sleepy as I struggle to keep my eyes open and the sleep got the best of me as I closed my eyes.

Sarutohi P.O.V
I'm sorry Yugi to do this. But you've become a nuisance to this village. And a very dangerous entity. "OK. Let's wrap this up everybody-" I got cut off when my anbu black ops stopped the barrier jutsu and flew back. I look towards Yugi and seen something else. A demon. They had ankle length jet black hair and red snake eyes. His hair started flowing up dangerously as he glared at me. "He almost died because of you! He's got only a pinch of chakra left. Try something like that again and I'll end your life!!" The demon roared at me as he jumped into the night sky and wasn't seen for the rest of the night.
Yugi P.O.V
I laid in my bed looking out the window and into the morning misty sky. "Yugi?" I heard a knock on the door. I got up quietly as I appeared on the side of my door. Its Shikamaru. "Go away." I said. "No. I will not. Open up." He demanded. "No. Go away-" I got cut off when my movements stopped. I looked down seeing a glance of his shadow since I can't move my head. "Your pretty bold using that jutsu on me." I said and he made me unlock and open the door. He released the jutsu as he walked in and I closed the door. "I heard what you did last night... What happen-" I cut him off. "I'm not talking about it." I said to him. "Cmon." He said. "No. I don't wanna be here anymore!" I said and its like a thunderstorm came outta nowhere. "It was just sunny out." Shikamaru said looking into the sky. "Hmph." I huffed and went into my room and started packing my bags. "I've decided to go." I said as Shikamaru walked in, and pinned me against the wall. "What! You can't leave!! We are just getting started! What about the village, your friends, what about us? " he asked me. "I... Need to leave. Staying here is only gonna kill me. And holle too. " i said as shikamaru body bounced back abit and i continued packing.."dont forget about this. You cant just severe it that easily. Starting to turn into sasuke. What about holle? " he asked. "DONT EVER SPEAK OF HER NAME AROUND ME!" I yelled at shikamaru. My eyes glowed red for a second. "Damn. What happened? " he asked. "She just got beside herself. I did too. And things went overboard and she said a really hurtful word and i just cant do it. " i told him. He ingulfed me into a hug and i fell on my back on the bed. "Thats your best friend. Bestfriends fight but that makes their relationship stronger. " he said. He burried his face in the crook of my neck and we just laid like that talking for a while.
"Yea your probably right. I should just forgive her. But its the virgo in me. I cant bring myself to do it." I told him. "Well that devilish virgo needs to sobber up and forgive holle. " shikamaru said looking me in my eyes. "You have the upmost beautiful eyes ive ever seen. " he said. I deeply blushed. "Funny cause i cant see yours" i laughed. Trying to get rid of this mushyness in the air. "Haha very funny yugioh." He said. I took very much offense cause he was a child when in battle turned into a Egyptian king. Or goddess or whatever the fuck. "Mhmm keep on playing with me. " i said and he laughed this time. "Your just so cute. Beautiful. And more importantly mine. " shikamaru said as he kissed me. I blushed madly but kissed back. "Shikamaru isnt it late? Shouldn't you be getting home?" I said. "It isnt... Damn we late for the exams!! "he said. Huh? Its like.. 1 o'clock pm. I evidentially didnt wanna go wtf. But shikamaru got me up and dragged me to the preliminary exams.
"look who showed up. " i heard gaara snare. I sharply turned to him knowing he said that because of me and holle argument. "Shut up" i said and walked up the bleachers silently. "Since there are twenty two entries there will be 12 matches." The man said. "I wonder who im fighting.." I said as he explained everything and the hokage talked and then the fighting came up. I was bored until i seen my name. "See the person had supposed to be matched up with a jonin. Seeing as who they are. But it means that they wouldve been a perfect match for eachother. " he said as the board randomly decided my opponent. I think the board was rigged. "Yugi Watashi vs Holle Jikan!! " everyone gasped. Im not going to lose. "THERY BESTFRIEND. CHANGE THIS. " naruto yelled. "Hmph. " i said as i walked down to the arena and holle did to. Eyeballing me every step of the way. We got face to face but 5 steps apart. "Good luck. " she said sternly. "Youll need it. " i came back. "3... 2.... 1.... Start. " the proctor jumped outta the way. "I WONT LOSE!! " holle yelled as she dissappeared and came at me. Shes fast. But not fast enough. I quickly brought out my fan as i put it infront of me shielding her punch to my gut. "Ha. My turn." I said as i gripped my fan and reverse it as my fan hut her in her stomach and she flew fast into a wall making a small explosion and a crater. "HOLLE. GO EASY ON HER
SHES A GIRL YOU JERK!! " Naruto yelled. Oh shut the fuck up. "... No. " i said as i opened my fan all the way. I seen her standing as she smirked at me
Grinning madly. "Oh you wanna play crazy? Lets play crazy!" I yelled as my hair turned jet black fading halfway down it. And like one half of both my eyes was red brilliantly fading into emerald green. My pupil was a regular black dot but at the top and bottom it was slit. "Crazy is what shes gonna get." I said as i dashed at her and i threw my fan in the air behind me. I threw holle a punch and she dodged then i swiftly did a hand stand as i did a series of kicks as she blocked until i cocked back my right leg and kicked the shit outta her. Her body flew into yet another wall but she hopped up quick as she dashed at me. I used my momentum to push myself back with my arms as i practically glide backwards as i swiftly grabbed my fan as she got closer. I waved it. "Wind style wind bullets!" i yelled as i waved my fan 10 timed quickly creating 10 medium sized wind balls as they head towards holle. Her hand went out and a huge explosion went off.
The smoke cleared and for a second i seen a flash of purple. She looked untouched and her hand was steaming. If i didnt know better id say she has the rinnegan. But she couldnt. Instead i seen a flash of purple then red and seen she had the mangekyo sharingan. "Huh. Not bad. You really got me wanting to try." i said grinning like a mad man. "Hmph." we dashed at eachother and attacked and attacked and attacked. Kicks and punches. Jutsus and kekkei. "Die!" i yelled as i started attacking furiously. I threw a punch which she dodged and tried to kick her which she easily dodged. Im getting nowhere. I did a series of back flips as i landing far from her. "Hmph. Your now a challenge to me. Looks like i have to get serious." i said as i closed my fan and threw it to shikamaru. He caught it and held it infront of him. I got out my katana as i narrowed my now golden cat eyes at holle
I think my light and dark things combined cause my hair isnt red anymore. Its jet black but going down it shade into gold and it reaches my ankles now. "Are you ready?" i asked as i did a few hundred hand seals. Too quickly even for holle to see. "Dark style! Dark Shadow Illusion!" i yelled as i radiated pitch black darkness off of me and it filled the whole room. So black you couldnt even see your hands. "I can see through... This..." holle trailed off. My voice sounded off from everywhere. Its like im all around her. "This jutsu even trumps that mangekyo. The sharingan sees chakra as a series of different colors. Like a rainbow. Right now i radiated off so much darkness it looks like everything is a rainbow. So you wouldn't know where im coming at you from because im the darkness itself. Now your on my playground" i laughed as 2 big gold cat eyes appeared infront of holle. Like they were huge. They stared down on her. "That is scary. But you arent intimidating me." she said. The eyes continue to stare. "Dark style! Dark phantom needles!" i yelled and my darkness started forming needles made of darkness at holle. She jumped up when little did she know. They are everywhere. "Chakra Marionette !!" i yelled tossing in a few 64 hair needles that stuck into her pressure points as they go through her body and coil themselves around her body and she fell. She closed her eyes. "Do you quit yet! Your no match against me." i said. "I wont. Give up! I cant let gaara down." she said as she snapped open her rinnegan eyes and everything went white.

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