Chapter 19:

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I watched as holle told everyone about her past. I mean I already know. so I wasn't over there listening. Instead I was kneading chakra. Little dumb fuck messed up my outfit. Making cuts and slashes in it. It was bloody and all that other shit. I walked over to shikamaru as I looked in my bookbag I made him carry. I got out my favorite outfit.
(At the top )

I came back in my new outfit feeling refreshed since I had took a bath in a nearby river. Getting all that dirt and dried up blood off me. I stretched and yawned as I walked back to my team. I jump on Shikamaru back playfully as he held my legs so I wouldn't fall. To be honest I'm really tired. Holle got naruto up as she broke down explaining how she was useless and how she didn't and couldn't change anything. I stare at her sleepily as I opened my fan and lightly waved it in her direction. It washed over her giving her a cool breeze. But then I dropped my fan too tired to pick it up. Shikamaru did and just kept it in front of him. "Yugi..." She looked at me from over naruto shoulder.  "You are what they say. The time child. Now I can see what happen in the near future only because a certain device but I know haku and zabuza was supposed to die. You changed THEIR fate. You can't change the direction the world is going in but what you can do is change the people in it. You kept haku and zabuza alive. You made them eligible to become ninja for the leaf. You changed their fate. And you have the power and intelligence to change other people fate also. Don't think the world is relying on just holle jikan's shoulders because it isn't. I'm the one steering this world too. You are not alone and you never will be as long as I live. And I'm living for a long time. So stop sulking all because you couldn't save the duckbutt dumbass" sasuke glared at me. "Because its his fate to fall down the road he's gonna go through. You can't change that. I'm sorry to break it to you but you can't. Its apart of something big. That was unchangeable. But the other stuff is. And when you need somebody I'll always be there. Truth is I'm not from the world either. I'm from reality too holle. I got sucked into this world from a black hole. Well sorta. Anyway. I'm saying your not alone. When you got killed and got sucked into another world. I was forced to come with you holle. You are the world's time and I'm its dark or its light. We are inseparable. When you got sucked into this universe I somehow, from somewhere, got sucked in too. I guess what I'm trying to say is.
I'll always be there bestfriend." I said sleepily. I had her in tears. I didn't mean to have her crying. "Why are you crying?" I asked. "Because your right." she said wiping her eyes. I smiled sleepily at her. Then she stood up straight, smiling. "Now. Let's get over this mushy mushy session. And you tell no one what happened today. With the crying and the time child crap." Holle glared at us. But she didn't faze me. "Got that!" She said. "OK." Everyone said scared. Even neji. I just shrugged it off. I've seen way darker glares then hers. And tensugo glares can hurt. Literally.
Our team was on our merry way with the scrolls and I fell asleep on shika's shoulder. It was a peaceful dream really. A sort of romantic but action adventurous dream. Until he woke me up. I would've got real real demonic if I didn't know I was gonna get woken up soon. Anyway. I climbed off him back and steadily and slowly stood up. "What happened??" I asked. "We are at the tower Yugi. We just need both scrolls. I wish someone would just pass by with a heaven scroll." Shikamaru said as a figure in a long black cloak. They just stood there but what was creeping me out was that ayuya and tensugo was scared yet shocked. I can feel what they felt. The emotion. And this guy had my chakra network going out of control. I don't know whether to be scared of fight. "Who are you!" I asked and when he looked up a flash of red came from his eyes. I was taken back. But stood my ground. They had waist length light brown hair. I can tell because its coming out the cloaks's hood and down his chest.
He was rather taller then me though. Its only because I'm a kid! I haven't fully developed yet! "That right now isn't... Important. When the time comes and it will soon. You will find out who I am. Until then. See you soon. Yugi." The man said as his body slowly started fading away. "Oh. And here's a gift. Killed a team for it but I'm not even qualified in these exams. So its useless." He said but every word had venom slipping off of it. Then threw a heaven scroll at us. "Wow. Thanks- wait! How do you know my name!!" I asked. "As was said. That is yet to be revealed." He said as he faded away in what seamed like a glint of darkness but I'm probably seeing things.
Anyway. We got to the tower as we opened the scrolls there. It was asuma who greeted us and what not and told us about the next part of the exam in a few hours.

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