Chapter 17: Forest Of Death!

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We walked to the forest of death with our teams as we arrived. We talked to each other and other teams. I went to gaara's team and talked to temari. I mean we are both wind style users. So... I think we will get along just fine. We did eventually click. But we stopped talking when kankuro killed our vibe and said chakra puppets are the way to go. And that they were better then wind style. We didn't argue but I wanted to break that damn puppet with a wind style jutsu. But I'll hold off. I walked to holle as she try attacking a girl or something. I don't really care. I just grabbed my paper as I signed it. Then my team handed the papers in as we got the scrolls back. They made me hold them of course. Don't see why when I'm weak as shit. But then they told us all to line up. I did, with my team, in front of the gate. My heart was pounding against my chest. I'm scared as shit but I can't risk nobody getting hurt. Not on my watch! I won't allow it. 
My team and I jumped from tree branch to tree branch just having a good old conversation. Fighting here and there. Well. We only fought once but the people ran with the earth scroll. So yeah. "Shikamaru aren't you worried?" Ino asked. "About?" He looked at her boredly as we jumped another branch. Choji fat back ass damn near breaking them. "About dying here. I mean that last fight. You almost got killed. If Yugi wasn't there then-" shikamaru cut her off. "I would have survived. I had him on the ropes ino. Its ok." He reassured her. "Yugi. Aren't you afraid?" She asked. "Of dying? I'm immortal. I can't die. Remember?" I asked her. "Yea. But everyone has their falls. You probably can die. Its just a certain way as to doing it." She said. "You have a point. But as was said like before. I can't die in this form. When I'm in my normal form I won't die." I said. Then when we got on a full conversation about hair I believe and then I sensed holle's chakra. And she was with that damn creep! Orochimaru.
"I'll be right back." I said to the team. "Why??" They asked. "I gotta go check out something. Don't worry. Just try not to fight while I'm gone. It get yourself killed. Ok?" I asked. Talking to shikamaru especially. "Yea yea. Ok." He said boredly. I smiled as I jumped away.
I got closer to her chakra and heard holle talking to orochimaru. "I'll take sasuke's place. Just leave him and my team alone." She said. No. Don't tell me. I read this in my manga on my phone yesterday. "Holle." I said as I landed on the branch and into clear view. Then holle looked at me. "Uh oh." She said. I grabbed my fan as she did the hand seal tiger and everything froze and reversed.
I'm back where I told shikamaru and the team I was leaving. "Why??" They asked. I'm quiet. Trying to process what the hell just happened. The I remembered. Holle can control time. And she sent me back in time. So that means that she's making that deal right now. "No reason. I senses danger." I said quietly. "Yugi are you ok?" Shikamaru asked. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be-" I cut myself when I suddenly lost all consciousness And blacked out.
°Light And Dark Realm°
I'm in that place again. Ugh. I couldn't have died again. I wasn't even fighting. "What happened!?" I asked as tensugo and ayuya appear. In their sides. The dark and light. And I, of course, was in between. "Something has happened to the time child." Tensugo answered me. "And who is that?" I asked. "And you call her yo bestfriend. Wowww." Tensugo said sarcastically. "Tensugo stop. And the time child is also known as holle jikan, yugi." Ayuya said. "Oh. Tensugo you said something happened to her earlier. But why do I black out when something happens to her?" I asked. "Because she is this world's time itself. She can control the time of this world and she can see into the future to avoid the problems or utter destruction that is caused to the world. And since she's the world's time, and since time can't die. She cant either." Ayuya explained. "And since your the world's fate. Y'all kinda see where you guys stand in at. Your similar. You are here to guide the world and protect it while holle is here to foresee the future and steer it into the right direction using your help. You two make the world complete. You two are somewhat spiritually linked to this "universe" and somehow linked to each other. So if something major happened to her,if her life was to be put in danger to where she was on the verge on death then it would reflect on you also. If she lost consciousness due to a near death experience and blacked out then guess what." Tensugo asked. "I would black out to." I said. "Your right. So that means that she is having a near death experience right now. She can't die. If she died this world will fall into destruction. You can change the fate of the world but you do need your other half to do you. You are like ying. And she's yang. And the world is yo. You got me?" Tensugo explained. "Yea. Kinda like you and ayuya. A ying and yang combination. She's light and your dark. But together you guys are complete. 100% whole. But when apart you guys are only 50% of yourselves." I said.

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