Chapter 24.

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I appeared into my house and i quickly stood up and brushed my teeth over like trillion of times.  Used mouthwash and all.  I wasnt taking no acceptions.  Got that awful smell and taste out my mouth.  Had to kill myself a couple of times though.  I accidentally kept choking myself with my toothbrush when i was trying to brush the smell and taste off the back of my tongue.  I threw my toothbrush away.  I got plenty more anyway. 
I went back into my room and looked at my canister of vibranium. I need a little more then this. I did a 1 hand,  hand seal as a black crystal enclosed the canister.  Im not gonna leave it here to get stolen.  I packed a bookbag with clothes,  food and water. All the stuff i need.  I put the crystal with the canister of vibranium inside it,  to my forehead as it glows.  I start to push it in as it disappears.  I stored it within my dark and light realm. So when i need it i can always go and retrieve it. I put the bookbag on my back but i was having trouble with my fan.  So i strangely strapped it on my waist and put my fan there.  Im ready.  But imma leave at midnight so im not seen.
It was 1 in the morning.  I crept out my house closing and locking the door.  I turned on my feet as i jumped on the roof of the building as i look around.  "Hm...  So lets just try to find a mine of some sort outside of the village.  I quickly headed to the gate seeing its closed.  I jumped high enough into the air as i land ontop of the wall. I take one last look at konoha.  It looks so peaceful. I can even see kakashi house from here.  I stare at his house for a while.  Holle is in there alone...  I turned on my feet and jumped away.
I jumped from tree to tree  outside of the land of fire.  I then let myself fall to the ground as i land on my feet and started rapidly sprinting to where i was going.  If i was to find a mine of some sort.  Where would i look. I would look in iwagakure. It is a earth kingdom so they gotta have a mine.  But what if they dont.  I can steal from the other villages.  I know they got at least a little. I stopped in an open field.  I whipped out my map.  Ill head to the closest village.  And that's the sand. Okay.  Set destination to suna!  I put the map up and started heading that way.
I got here.  Im tired but i gotta get back before people notice im missing.  And i only been gone for a hour and a half. I ran up the suna walls and jumped on the ledges until i was at the top.  I looked around.  They stash is probably underground. But i cant sense it...  I can use my earth style!!  I jumped high into the air away from the wall as i clashed my hands together.  "Earth style: earth sensor jutsu! " i said as i fell to the ground and clashed my hands with the ground as i send my chakra through it. I waited, then my head shot up.  "There! " i said as i vanished into thin air. Appearing in their stash room deep underground as i looked around. They had the same thing as konoha.  I did a couple hand seal turning into gaara's dad as i put my hand on the hand thing.  And let it scan my eye.  It loaded and analyzed.  Then boom.  I got access.  I walked into the room as the door closed behind me.  I looked around.  They got MORE STUFF THEN VIBRANIUM.   I see uranium.  Titanium.  Diamonds and emeralds.  I walked as i took 2 canisters of vibranium and 2 canisters of uranium and titanium
I stuffed those into my bags and then got a bunch of diamonds and emeralds each.  I had a hand pouch that was filled with diamonds then another filled with emeralds. I stuffed those into my bags.  I should really get going.  I kept lurking and lurking until i seen a canister on a shelve alone.  It didnt look like no ranium ores.  I looked at it closely.  It was called 'tokuranium.' Ive never heard of that. I looked around sneakily and i straightened up. The tokuranium ore was a clear substance that had the color of the rainbow swirling through it. I swiped my hand and placed them behind my head lazily.  "Eeh i got what i want.  No point in taking that. " i said was i began walking back looking like rasa and all.  I put in the eye scan thing as the door opened as i walked out.  I clashed my hands with the dirt wall.  Time to get out of here. I looked up sharply as i vanished into think air.
I appeared outside of suna as i started to run away quickly as i came. As i ran i started to transmute back into my normal self. My hair growing super long as i redeveloped my madara hairstyle back. I got faster and faster until i was brought to a sudden stop.  I looked down at the sand as it whirled in a circle into the ground and started to cave in. I leaped back.  I was far away enough from suna.  I had nothing to worry about. But i gotta focus on whats- "WHAT THE HELL!!!!  YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!! " i yelled as a enormous scorpion burst out of the sand vortex.  Is this like suna's intruder trap?  It roared loudly at me as it sent its stinger at me and i did a backflip just barely dodging. I cant die but it would be one hell of a loss if he ate my bookbag. "Hey big guy.  Come one now you dont wanna eat me. " i said as it tried clawing at me and i jumped back.  Sliding on the ground.  I looked up glaring at the scorpion. "Now its go time! " i exclaimed as i jumped into the air quickly drawing out my fan opening it swiftly.  "WIND SCYTHE JUTSU! " i yelled as i waved my fan creating massive cutting winds.  The scorpions didnt seem bothered by the few minor cuts he got as i landed beside him. I looked closely.  Its them thick armor scales he has.  My regular wind jutsu wont harm this thing.  I gotta get crafty here.  I already been gone dang near 3 hours.  Its 2:47 am the last time i checked.  "Your a challenging one. " i said as it sent its stinger at me at amazing speed which i barely dodged as it crazed off a slash from my shirt. "I LIKED THIS! " i yelled as i waved my fan creating a net of cutting winds.  Made to slice insects like these in half. It hit the scorpion but it only did a little thing "your very hard headed. " i said.  "Or atleast hard bodied. " i laughed at my own joke as i leaped back dodging its claw. "Water style! Water ball jutsu! " i yelled as i blew 5 big water balls at it.  It began to rapidly spin and them armor scales acted as a reinforced shield as it deflects my water balls with ease then it jumped into the air and tried to get me with the stinger twice.  I leaped forward as i did a swift and quick backflip dodging the second attempt at trying to kill me.  I clashed my hands with the ground.  "Earth style! Mobile core jutsu! " i yelled as a earth pillar shot out of the ground throwing my huge friend here into the air.  I jumped into the air leaving a sand explosion where i had jumped from.  I was slightly above the scorpion as it try to get me with the stinger.  I moved in mud air barely dodging as it tore my pants and shirt.  My shirt,  again!!!!  Ugh!!  My right leg came up.  "THIS WAS....  MY FAVORITE OUTFIT!! " i screamed as i kicked the scorpion with all my might and it flew to the ground so fast youd think it teleported. It created a huge explosion as sand flew into the air everywhere. I quickly put my fan over my head as i softly landed on the ground. Well so much for a silent leave and i dont need sand getting in my hair.  Its hard to wash sand out ya hair. Anyway the sand rain stopped as i dusted my fan off and looked at the bruised and beaten scorpion stand up.  The wind blew in this dusty desert as i put my fan back at my side. I looked at the scorpion as my pointing finger was aimed at the scorpion and my thumb was up like my hand was a gun.  "This is where i leave you. It was fun while it lasted. " i said as a mini water ball hovered rt of my pointing finger and then my wind chakra collided  with it then a rock collided with it.  Also my earth style chakra. It started rapidly spinning and it turned black and clear then began taking a crystal type of form.  "Crystal style! Compact Crystal ball. " i said as my emerald green eyes narrowed at the beast.  The crystal ball became real little too.  The more little it gets.  The more powerful it is. "Your dead. " i said to it. Then i aimed it straight for the scorpion face. It sent its stinger for me and i felt everything go in slow motion as i stood there.  Why do this slow motion crap happen.  I think its everytime i get ready to deliver a finishing blow everything go in slow motion. Anyway back to my fight. The stinger was 2 inches from my finger as i pressed my thumb down and i shot the crystal ball at the scorpion. It went right through its stinger making it break off as it went straight through the scorpion. I brought my finger up to my mouth.  I blew my finger like it was an actual pistol.  "BANG! " i said as enormous spiky black crystals burst out the scorpion therefore brutally killing it.  "Fatality. " i said.  "OH DANGIT I FORGOT TO SAY 'This is a new jutsu i developed. ' oh well i dont think it matters cause nobody saw it.  I turned on my feet then remembered to get rid of my crystals.  Im the 2nd person in this world with crystal style. So i better not give them hints i was near suna.  I turned around as i swiped my hand through mid air as my crystals faded into black stardust and floats off into the sky.  I then turned on my feet as i began sprinting home.

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