Chapter 15: Chakra Seal!

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I looked down and then-...

I looked down to see I was floating above my hospital bed. "What's this?" I asked. "Omg so cool!!" Holle squealed as she suddenly burst in. "I'm flying. Cool!" I exclaimed as I flew all around the room but stopped in from of a mirror on the wall. I had certain pattern on my forehead that I have on the palm of my hands. The circle that is in a crescent moon shape. It had a black outline but the gold color filled in the full and crescent moon shaped. "How do I stop this!" I panicked. I had no clue but it sorta faded away and the full Moon shape went on my right palm and the crescent is on my left palm. I dropped to the floor. I quickly got back up dusting myself off. "I'm OK!" I said with a thumbs up. "You better be!" Holle said. I stare at her. "And where did you run off to?" I asked her. Her cheeks turned a faint color of pink. "Nothing where. I mean nowhere." She said turning her face. "If one of my powers was to read minds it would be over for you." I said as I playfully pushed her. "Really wouldn't." She said as she punched me in the shoulder. "Owe." I said as i grabbed my shoulder. I walked over to the hospital bed as I grabbed my fan, strapping it to my back. "Where are you going Mr.Yugi?" Shikamaru said. "Home." I simply answered. "The doctors told me you have to stay here a tad bit longer. They said there's probably a sickness or something is wrong with you." Shikamaru said. "What is a tad?" I asked. "2 weeks." He said with a 'tad' bit of hesitation. "WHAT! IM NOT STAYING HERE FOR 2 WEEKS! I HAVE CHUNIN EXAMS TO ATTEND TO! FORGET THAT NOOO. IM NOT STAYING HERE!!!" I yelled as Shikamaru puts his hand over my mouth. "Shhhh. Your loud." He says. "Sorry. But I'm not staying here. I need to train to get stronger to stop a certain someone from leaving." I said looking at the floor. "Who?" Shikamaru asked. "... No one." I flashed a smile. "I don't buy it but I won't pry it." He held his hands up in defense. "Good. Let's go train!" I cheered as I dragged him away.
"So. What was that back at the hospital?" Shikamaru asked. "The flying and that mark? I think it's a seal of some sort. I don't know how it activated and deactivate but its a chakra seal. Because when it activated I felt power, lots of it, flow through me like a river. I'll name it... The Kaguturo (Ca-Goo-Tur-Ro) seal." I said. "Good name." He said as I jumped back and three kunai at him. He deflects it. "We make a perfect pair." I said as I landed onto the ground. "How?" He asked. "Im darkness and your the shadow in it. If we pair up. We can be very powerful. I can created shade or darkness and you can take it over." I said as I ran at him. "Your right. And we get along well." He said as we clashed. "Your right. We are like very very close friends." I said as I jumped back. Shikamaru looked into space a bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "N. Nothing." He shook his head. "Did I say something wrong??" I asked. "No." He says but I clearly did. He look hurt. I put my kunai up as I ran to him. I cupped his face. Turning it towards me. "Is it because I 'friend' zoned you??" I asked. "Yes." He said. "I thought we was more then friends." He said as he looked away from me. He's taller then me. So this is kinda hard. I mean cmon. I'm not that tall. I'm like 5'4. And he's 5'7. So yes. There's a difference. "We are really." I said to him. "I like you as a companion. A partner." Shikamaru said. "And I never thought I'd be feeling this way." He added. "I like you too shikamaru. I was just waiting for you to say the words." I said as he turned to me. He leaned in and POW! he kissed me. And I kissed back.
Enough of that. We was on the second floor as we headed to the chunin exams but the genjutsu made it look like the third floor when really we are on the second. I hung out with Shikamaru of course, us being on the same team. We held hands as we walked up to the crowd. "Hm?" We made it to the front of the crowd seeing a boy with big ass eyebrows get knocked back. "Watch where the hell your going." I said as I pushed the boy off of me. "Hey! No need for the language! Its unyouthful!" He yelled pointing a finger at me. "Really though I don't care about youth and shit like that." I'm letting these words run free like a put of control train. "Yugi. Stop. You egging him on." Shikamaru said. "OK." I sighed. Then holle popped up when a ninja that bush-brows was fighting at a girl with 2 buns in her head. She grabbed his wrist as holle threatens his whole life. "This genjutsu is giving me a headache kotetsu. Release it and let us onto the third floor because clearly this isn't." Holle demanded. "HOLLE!" the hokage voice boomed.
"Yes." She answered hesitantly. "I told you in order for you to participate in the exams you are to never reveal what will happen or reveal secrets. Do I need to take you out?" The hokage asked. She shook her head 'no' rapidly. I was already walking up the stairs with shikamaru though. I mean that's my bestfriend I would stay and defend her but this is the chunin exams. And bush-brows, Lee, was flirting with her. And let me tell you he was failing hard. And when he walked up to me shikamaru had stepped in front of me and had already told him keep walking. I of course started poking shikamaru booty and so he moved giving me a weird look. I shrugged it off. He will forgive me.
Shikamaru and I walked into the room. Being greeted by holle. "The idiot trio." Naruto said. He was talking about choji, ino, and shika. I scowled him. "Your one too." He said simply. "You little brat!" I bawled up my fist as I punched him in his head. He whined holding the huge knot. Shouldn't have messed with me. Or called me an idiot. Hmph!

Kiba's team walked in and I was still standing by Shikamaru. Waiting for these damned exams to begin. "Her and gaara go out but it isn't official." Sakura said. "So she isn't taken! I still have a chance!" Kiba said wrapping a arm around holle. I grew an irk mark. Sand swirled around kiba leg as I flew towards him with my leg extended. Ready to do some damage. I kick him in Hus back as he fly into the wall. He looked at me dizzy. "Who was that?" He asked. "The sand was gaara's and the kick was Yugi." Holle said as kiba got up. He walked to me and smirked. I wish he didn't have these scars. Its adding to his bad boy look. I feel like Bella swan. "So. Are you taken yet?" He asked grinning. Desperate for a relationship. Isn't he straight?
"Yes. He is." Shikamaru said stepping in front of me. I, again, poked the booty cheek. I can't help it. "Dang." Kiba bit his lip. He is trying too hard!!!!
"Stop. I mean your adorable as a puppy but not to where I like like you." I said. "Then why shikamaru?" Kiba asked. "I don't know. I just like him. And look at this hair." I said taking Shikamaru hair out its ponytail. It stopped at his shoulders but a little but below then. Its like its in between mid back and shoulder range. His hair long. "Omg so long." I said. My hair is of course longer but I ain't tripping. He asked can I pull his hair back in its ponytail. I pouted. But I did as he asked. Putting it in that high spiky ponytail. Then a dude who had grey colored hair and who had on glasses popped up. Holle wanted to attack but she didn't. Because of sakura and naruto really. Then ibiki leaped through the wall.

"Listen up maggots!!!!"

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