Chapter 26.

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I walked with shikamaru through the hidden leaf. "So... Have you found the answer to your question?" He asked me. "No.  Its confusing.  I haven't found it out just yet. " i said to him smiling slightly.  "Oh.  And where is your fan? " he asked looking behind seeing it isnt there.  "The one my father gave me? I made a special case for it.  So its hanging up in my room over my bed. But ive upgraded to a better and stronger one. " i said looking into the sky. Oh its a sunny and bright day today.  "Is that what this is for? " shikamaru said looking at the summoning mark on the bandages on my arm.  "Yes. " i told him.  "Cool. " he said bordly as He took his hair out his ponytail as it slouched down abit but nevertheless was gravity defying. I pointing an accusing finger at him.  "KAKASHI! " i yelled.  He looked at me weirdly before laughing.  His hair is slightly longer then kakashi's hair though.   "Your funny. " he said as he slung a arm around my shoulder as we laughed together. This is what ill miss.  This is what im afraid of losing... Then it made me wonder.  Holle's been mia for the past couple days. Ive hate to admit it but ive got to see her.  "Shikamaru.  Im going to go visit holle. " i said as we stopped in an empty dirt road.  "Okay.  Seeya later then. " he said pecking me on the lips before walking off waving lazily from behind.  I stared at his back as he kept walking.  "I love you. " he yelled before turning around smirking.  "I love you too... " i said just staring dreamily like an idiot.  "I know you do. "he said before walking off down the road.  My heart skipped a beat.  Something about this boy...  Gets me so nervous.  I shook my head of the thoughts,  just now noticing i was probably blushing madly. Onto holle!!!
I walked up to kakashi house as i knocked. A couple minutes later holle came to the door and answered. I was shocked at what i seen.  She cut her hair to her waist and she looked like pure shit.  "you look like shit. " i told her as i showed myself in.  I heard her sigh loudly as i put my hair into a ino kind of hairstyle,  leaving my bang out,  and instead of her straight hair mine was ofcourse spikey. "You don't have to tell me twice. " holle said tiredly. "So whats up with you?? Why have you been mia lately. " i asked, more like ordered to tell me whats happening.  "Well...  Ive just been thinking and all.  Ive met my mother and she taught some very valuable but boring stuff. Then i found out that i have two different bodies. " she said smiling widely.  "Dont we all?? We have a lucid body and another body called our spiritual being. Also known as our 'astral body. " i informed her.  She thought. "Ive never knew that. Well ive found out a way on not to be forgotten. I can somehow make my muse self,  or astral self,  come out of the dimension its in and come here but my mother said that the rekishi clan is born with immortality. Since if our physically is hit and our spiritual being is well okay,  we go to the form that the spirit body is in.  Like say i was to cut myself right now with this physical body. I would be wounded but it would head right up since my astral or muse body wasnt harmed but my lucid body was. " she said.  I shook my head.  "English please holle " i said to her.  "If i slice my physical body arm,  it would heal cause my spirit body wasnt hurt.  If i was in my spirit body and i was to cut my arm,  the scar would appear on my physical body.  So the only way i can die is if my spiritual being is killed or take a killing blow. " she said.  I nodded in realization. "Ooohhh.  So isnt it somewhat dangerous letting both of your bodies see eachother?? " i said.  "Yea...  The only way its dangerous is because i can only be remembered in 1 dimension at one time. But if i bring my spirit body here like my physical body,  i can make my first body leave this universe and go back to the old universe i was at without being forgotten. The only cost is my immortality but its worth it. " she said smiling. "Your not thinking for yourself holle. Is you thinking about gaara? -" she cut me off there.  "No. Im not... It wasn't real. Our love wasnt real. He was going to tell me that it...  That he didnt... " she couldnt form her words. I started to feel her emotions flow into like a river.she eyes started to water.  "I feel your pain. But you-" she again cut me off. "NO YOU DON'T! " she cried out.  "I literally do holle. And i know your heart but we are going to get past this together.  Forget him. Theres always someone better. " i said wiping my tears away. She looked at me like a baby.  "Your right... " she said straightening herself up. "But as i was saying. Your thinking for yourself holle
Remember when you leave the dimension. Im dragged with you through that tear in the universe. Dont go thinking about yourself now.  Theres another way to defeat raiden. If he switches worlds and isnt forgotten,  that means he lost his immortality meaning all we gotta do is find one of his bodies and kill it. " i said. "Yea.  Ive never thought of it that way. We could but i still dont wanna be forgotten just in case i do switch universes. So im going to bring my spirit self here anyway. Im sorry yugi its something i have to do-" i cut her off this time.  "It isnt something you have to do.  You wanna do it. All your doing is thinking about yourself.  Your selfish holle. Did you think about me one time?? " i asked looking at her teary eyed.  I dont want shikamaru to forget me.  I cant bring my 'muse' self to this world and not be forgotten.  That doesnt work for me. Nothing do.
"Yugi... I didn't. " she said looking down. I stood up.  "That proves my point. " i said getting ready to walk out until she grabbed my arm.  "We can find a way! " she said looking at me with teary eyes. "No we cant. From here on out. We are DONE. " i said and her eyes got wide.  This time i meant it. She stayed quiet as i stormed out the house.

-💬 wow. Yugi aint going with that option.  Holle was thinking about kakashi.  All her friends. But she didn't think it would affect yugi. Anyway...  Back to the story. 💬-

Me and shikamaru was walking in the land of fire forest. Then we stopped at a particular large tree me and him like to just lay under and enjoy the day. I got out a kunai and so did he. "What are we doing? " he asked.  I just kept carving a heart into the tree.  A big enough heart. Then on the inside I wrote Yugi+shika but my name was ontop of the plus sign.  That was in the middle, shika name was on the bottom.  "Aww thats so cute. "shikamaru said making it neater with his kunai. I think i literally just made it impossible for shikadai to be born. Ehh ill work something out. I took out a piece of paper the size of a paper bomb.  I threw it into the air as i rapidly did some hand seals and my hands swarmed with chakra. I then reach up and grabbed the paper and it turned into a special chakra tag. I stuck that in the middle of our heart on the tree as it vanished. "what was that about? " shikamaru asked. "Well... If me and holle was to grow too distant from eachother. I would begin to forget some stuff. That chakra tag will respond to me and your chakra only! Ive copied all if my memories of me and you together onto that piece of paper. So if either one of us forget eachother,  we can use this tree and chakra tag to make one of us remember. And i know something bad will happen to me. So when i come back somehow. Use that on me. " i said. "What you mean something bad! " he said looking worried.  I just cupped his face. "Just promise me shikamaru. " i said to him. "Okay.  Promise. " he said and i kissed him passionately. "Thanks. " i said and we put our foreheads together. "Let's go back to the village. " shikamaru said. Grabbing my hand we began walking back to the village. I love him so much but.... I think im started to figure out the answer to my question.

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