Chapter 30.

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I was infront of konoha gate and all i did was stare. I wonder do i wanna go back. I wanna see shikamaru but after what happened i dont....  I cant muster up the courage to see him. Ive got to one day so i minus well get over with it.  Ive been gone and missing for 2 months ever since sasuke went missing. I walked forward and into the village being checked up by the 2 dimwits. "Who are you!! " they yelled leaping at me. They didnt remember me. This isnt shippuden,  i haven changed. The only thing that changed is my hair cause now it reaches my ankles. Thats right about which. And speaking of who how did it get this long! It probably happened when oroch....  I cant even think about it. Like everytime i think about it the stuff makes me like.. I just have a god damn break down. It happened my last 3 days getting here. AND I REFUSE TO LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN! i been so deep in my thoughts i havent noticed that i didnt reply to their question. "Izumo,  and whoever you are. Im yugi watashi. I havent changed that much. " i said. They looked at me in disbelief then they engulfed me in a hug
"OMG WE HAD THOUGHT THAT YOU WAS TAKEN OR DEAD OR IN HELL! " They yelled.  "Wait a minute why did you say hell what the hell im not going there im going to heaven hey i cant even die for jashin's sake!! " i yelled pushing them off me. They started saying sorry until i seen somebody way infront of me. Their black spiky hair was out of its ponytail again. They eyes got wide but they were red, puffy and he look sleep deprived. His eyes got so wide i thought they were gonna pop out his head. My hair blew into the wind alittle bit as i look at him with big emerald green eyes. 
"Shikamaru.... " i said but before i could move he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my torso. He was hugging me on his knees.  He started crying and all.  "I thought you was never coming back. I shouldve never parted ways with you. And then-" i shut his ass up as i ruffled up his hair slightly. "Shhh. Its okay baby boy im here now. " i said. But am i really? Then that question slowly crept back into my head. Whats best for me?? I think im starting to find out the answer because its starting to all become clear to me.
I laid down on my bed looking at the ceiling and i subconsciously rubbed my stomach. ".... Orugi... Wasnt that its name?  I can atleast remember the name. " i said then i began thinking about it and him. My stomach started to feel funny and i turned over my bed,  my head hung low in the empty bucket,  and i threw up. After a while i stopped.  I wiped my mouth and then i went to dump and clean the bucket. Just thinking about this subject im disgusted,  guilty,  im everything.  Why am i feeling this way. I couldve gave it to a church or something??  I couldve gave it to the leaf village! But i had to kill it!!  I started to roughly mess up my hair and i did a crona bend. "Why did i kill it why did i kill it I DIDNT HAVE TO KILL HIM HE JUST WANTED LIFE HE WAS INNOCENT HE COULDNT HAVE KNOWN BETTER IT WAS MY FAULT ALL BECAUSE OF OROCHIMARU I DIDNT HAVE TO KILL IT.  I COULDVE USED MY KAGUTURO SEAL I DIDNT HAVE...  UGH!!!!!!!!  WHY DID I KILL YOU ORUGI!!! " i yelled looking at the head of my bed upside down.  Then i landed on my bed as shikamaru burst in. "What's wrong! " he yelled coming to me and looking at me like i was a pretty fucked up barbie. "Sh... I... Orugi..." I said staring into space. I cant tell him. Atleast not now. "Whos orugi?? " he asked worried and all. His hair was sticking up at the top of his head. Ooh bitchhhhhhhh.  You look rough as hell. But im not looking like a million dollars right now so i cant talk. "Someone who died... In vain because of... Some problems. " i told him.  WAIT WHEN DID HE GET IN MY HOUSE!!!  "Oh. Well imma go lay on the couch. " he said.  "No!! I mean... Can you stay here with me. " i asked him. He climbed into my bed. "Yes. " he said and snuggled up behind me. "Agh!! " he yelled shooting up. "The hell. " i looked at him crazily.  "I thought your strans of hair was a bug. " he said plucking all the strans of hair i pulled out and threw them in my bucket. "Your too beautiful to be stressing yourself out over this. Baby get over it. " i blushed at the way he called me that. And his voice was deeper cause he was sleepy. OOOOHHHH BITCHHHHHH.
"Go to bed wise guy. " i said as i snuggled into his chest. "Your wish is my command. "
-♣-1 month later-♣-
I walked back to my house.  Bringing in groceries i started to think. Whats best for me? Is there anything thats best for me? Anything at all?? I put the groceries up and then i went to go lay down and think real good and hard about the killer question shikaku asked. I spent a couple hours thinking. It was atleast 11 pm.
Then my gears clicked.
It all made sense to me now. It never did but now its clear as day. I sat up and looked out the window towards the main gates. 

"I've finally figured out the answer to my Fading Light."

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