Chapter 18: Failure.

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"Yugi you can't!" Ayuya said with tears in her eyes. "Watch me!" I spat back at her as I started slowly crossing over. There's a special gravitational push here. I ignored the push as I started to slowly get closer to ino. Blood ran down my mouth as I got closer. Her hand was the only thing showing as tensugo leaped at me. Attempting to kill me as me and ino fingers touched then a-

Then a bright light formed as I started to get pulled into the opposite direction. I didn't choose. It wasn't my time yet. I didn't touch the goo but I'm being pulled back. The light got brighter and brighter up to the point I had to close my eyes. "
I opened my eyes but closed them since the sun's rays was too strong at the moment. I tried again, rubbing my eyes they got used to being hit by the sun's light. I sat up. "Your up! I thought you was gonna die!" Shikamaru said as I looked at him. I feel weird. What's wrong with me. "Hey Shikamaru." I said. My voice didn't change. So wtf. "Hey. Ino are you ok!?" Choji asked. "Ino? What are you talking about." I said sitting up as I moved my blonde bang out my face. Wait. Blonde bang!!! I stood up fast and I turned to see ino was in my body and I was in hers. "What! What Is this witchery!!" I yelled as she looked at me. I'm pretty handsome. "Your me! And I'm you!" Ino yelled as she twirled around in my body. What the hell. Shouldn't my jutsu had worn off. "Switch!" Ino yelled doing her release hand seal. It didn't work. "Its not working. Something is blocking me from returning to my body." She said. "Tsk! Come on. We can swap later!" I said as I began running. I feel slow as hell. God dammit. Ino, on the other hand, ran to fast as she flew into a tree. The wounds did heal but hey. I'm getting abused. And I'm not even in my body!! "INO BE CAREFUL!" IM FRAGILE." I said. "Sorry. Your too fast for me." She said as she start flashing and flickering. I try boosting up her speed as I concentrate chakra to my feet. I start going faster and faster until we got to the battlefield as holle arrived. She held xic up at dosu as they clashed. "HEYYY BEST FRIEND!!" I yelled. She got distracted as her ear drums burst and she fly into a tree. "Hey! Hands off!" I yelled as I grabbed the fan off my ino, well my, back but it got heavy. Real fucking heavy. Omg!!!! "Ino! Give me senbon!" I yelled as she hurried and got out 6. She threw them to me as I caught them. I jumped into the air. "Flower bomb jutsu!" I yelled as chakra attached itself to the senbon needles as they mold theirself into flowers. That was actually one of ino's jutsu in shippuden. I guessed since we swapped bodies we swapped chakra networks. So I can do the jutsus she learned and she can do the jutsus I learned. Oh no. I gotta get my body back before she get us killed. Anyways, Then I throw the senbon at dosu as he turned around and sent a sound wave at me. The senbon bounce off as one headed straight for me. I should dodge. But I won't die. Oh wait.. I will. The senbon hit my arm as it exploded. I flew into a tree as the other senbon hit various areas and those areas exploded. Clouds of dust made its way onto the battlefield as I fall to my knees. I'm useless in her body. I can't pick up my fan. I can't do jutsu that I've developed in that body. Its like having to start a roblox all over again. Or when your favorite world on Minecraft is deleted.
Then Lee came in and kicked dosu. He fly into a tree by me. I try picking up my fan but to no surprise, I didn't move it an inch off the ground. "DAMMIT!" I yelled as I stopped trying. "YUGI! IVE GOT IT! TRY THE SAME HAND SEAL I DID TO RELEASE THIS SWAP BODY JUTSU!" Ino yelled. "OK. LETS GIVE IT A TRY!" I yelled as another sound wave hit me. I fly into another tree as I look up. Spitting up blood I hear ino counting from 5 to 0. She got on one as I slowly brought my hands up to the release hand sign. Then she got to zero as dosu raced at my body. He had 2 kunai as he threw them at me. They stuck into my stomach and shoulder. "Release!" Me and ino yelled at the same time as I blinked and my point of view changed. I feel power dwelling up inside me and and my clan's ability. I turn to ino as I see dosu trying to go for the kill. I felt everything go slow motion. I swear I think holle be doing this slow motion stuff. I appeared in front of ino as my left hand glowed with my healing light. I kicked the kunai out of ino stomach as I grabbed my fan with my right hand. I uppercut dosu with it as he fly into the air. I hover my left hand over ino head as all her wounds heal. She should be OK now. I then vanished into the air with dosu as I collided my fist with his stomach as he fly towards holle. She smirked as time froze for a spilt second but I wasn't affected by it freezing. She then stopped dosu as she round house kicked him. He fly into another tree as he immediately ran at her. He stabbed her and cut her tf up. But she wasn't going. She was losing a lot of blood, judging by the blood puddles. On the other hand I tried to fend off zaku and kin as I opened my fan. I jumped into the air spinning rapidly. "Wind style! Leaf whirlwind!" I yelled as a enormous pile of green leaves started to come out of the trees and mix in with my wind. So now I was in the middle of a leaf tornado. I turn to zaku and kin as I waved my fan at them as the tornado redirects itself to the 2. Sakura quickly runs out the way  as the tornado washes over them. "AGH!!!!" They screamed in agony as they was forced out the jutsu. Zaku landed on the ground next to a tree and kin was knocked unconscious in mid air. That jutsu wasn't even strong enough to knock someone out. Weakling. Ino took this chance to perform mind transfer jutsu as she went into kin. Kin's eyes snapped open as she started to flip in midair until she was in a position that was a position ready to land. "I'm in!" Ino yelled from within kin's body. "Good." I said as I landed on the ground.
Then dosu started yelling at holle asking why didn't she die. Why wouldn't she die. But she simply told him you can't kill what has already died. I laughed at this until I coughed up blood. What the fuck is this? I look down seeing a kunai was drove right through my heart. Damn this hurts. "That hurts dammit!" I yelled as he looked at me in disbelief. Then he just started shanking me. Stabbing me to death. "Aahhh it hurts!!!!! It hurts!!!!" I yelled as zaku kept stabbing me. "DIE. DIE. DIE. DIE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!" Zaku yelled as he shoved the kunai into my skull between my eyes as I look lifeless into the sky. Everything started to go black but then I directed and narrowed my eyes at zaku. "I said that hurts." I said as I reached for the kunai, pulling it out my head. Now I got a headache. I stood up as zaku crawl backwards, scared. "What the fuck are you! You and the girls! Your demons!!!" Zaku yelled. "I'm a ghost!" Holle yelled at zaku in defense. "I'm just immortal." I told him. "Impossible. You can't be. No way!" He said as he got up and ran further away. I wished these wound heal already. "Yugi you look like shit." Holle laughed jumping by me. Then our wounds healed leaving everybody speechless. I cracked my neck and stretched, same as holle, as I grab my fan.  Then when we was gonna attack I sensed a huge chakra erupt from sasuke. I had turned to face the uchiha seeing as though he had black flame markings all over his body and the purple chakra just swirling around him. "No... Orochimaru didn't keep his word." Holle said in disbelief as tears slowly made their way to her eyes.

"I'm a Failure."

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