Chapter 27

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"What do you mean you saw him?" Ivan asked when everybody else was too shocked to speak. I felt Jake tug on my hand but my eyes stayed glued to Lucy's.

She couldn't mean Dean could she? I mean, it's only been two days since we escaped, I would have thought he would have planned something out before charging into the pack and stalking us like the crazy guy he is.

"He was there. In the forest. I don't think he intended on being spotted but when I saw him, he took off the other way." Lucy said turning to Ivan and frantically waving her hands around her. "Why is he back here so soon?" She said biting her nails.

"We need to send out a warning. Make sure no body comes into contact with him and to find out why and how he got into our land." Jake said gritting his teeth.

"Why would he come back alone?" I asked frowning, it didn't make sense. He should have brought an army with him, he doesn't stand a chance by himself.

"Don't worry, he's not going to get far." Jake told me. "Come on, everyone to the pack house until we know more about what's going on." Jake started ushering confused people out of the café. Lizzy ran up to me and I picked her up, turning to find Maisie. She gave me a nod to go on as she closed everything up. Becky joined me as well, along with Brain, looking scared and confused.

"What's happening Autumn?" She asked as I started following Ivan and Megan out who were huddled together.

"I don't know." I told her truthfully. "You'll be fine though." I said firmly.

He was only after those he lost but if he didn't get want he wanted then I don't know how far he'd take it. This was what I was afraid of, dragging everyone else into my mess. They didn't deserve this and it'd be better losing one then more right? Jeesh, I sound like I want to get kidnap. I felt Lizzy stir in my arms, if anything happened to her because of me, I'd never forgive myself. I'd quite happily go with him if it meant she wouldn't get hurt.

What I didn't understand was why he'd come back here by himself? Was he by himself though? We couldn't know for sure he wasn't. Although, I doubt his little human minions would be much help against a pack of wolves. I bet they wouldn't mind getting even with Ivan and I for leaving them in the forest in pain. Yeah, that reunion would go down smoothly.

What about the apparent buyers? I bet they won't be too pleased to hear Dean lost their prize. I felt sick just thinking about them. What if we didn't make it out that night? I didn't even want to go down that road, I'd had enough nightmares about it to last a lifetime.

I noticed Becky clutching Brain's hand and I smiled at the sight as they wondered in front. Gosh I hope Brain wasn't some jackass that would screw this up. It was about time Becky found something good in her life. She always used to tell me about her prefect guy and prayed that one day she'd find him and it'd go better then mine did. Out of everyone I knew, she deserved it the most. Maisie could do with another guy in her life but I'll sort that out after this mess.

I shifted Lizzy's weight as my arms began to ache. She wasn't as light as she used to be when she was smaller, it was probably all that ice cream I'd sneak to her once the café had shut. How I regret my actions now. I went to put Lizzy on the floor so she could walk but a soft snore had me sucking it up. Has she been running all day or something?

The weight was suddenly removed from my arms and I turned to see Lizzy being carried like a princess by a knight in shining armour. Ok, so it was just Jake but still, he saved my arms from death. I shook them and wiggled my fingers just to make sure they were still fully functional.

"She's not that heavy." Jake commented staring ahead with a small smile on his lips.

"Oh please, give it five minutes and you'll be begging to swap again." I said, although probably not true, crossing my arms.

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