Chapter 1

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I sat at the small terrace restaurant across the street from my home, waiting for haania to speak.

She was adamant that I was being stubborn and tried to convince me that Isaac was a perfect match, but when it had seemed that she was unable to change my mind, she had shaken her head in annoyance and left huffing.

I had to laugh at her childlike attitude. She hadn't spoken to me for straight two days and I had to bribe her for lunch when I couldn't bear her silence anymore.

"You should never have read all those books," Her voice was bitter.


"Because they are filled with lies. Most of the romantic novels are written by women and read by women. Such perfect men don't exist."

"I strongly believe that my fairytale will come alive."

"I hope you will never regret your foolishness. Aleena magical world does not exist."

"Haania, magic does exist, but first you need to be a magician to be able to make the magic come alive."

"Really? Don't you sound hilarious?"

I shook my head.

"Then tell me how do you do that?"

"First you need to know what your dreams are. Everyone's idea of happiness isn't the same, so the term magic also varies from person to person."

"You have gone insane."

"Aleena you have to accept that your dad isn't here anymore. People aren't always going to let you follow your dreams. Marry him and lead a peaceful life."

I still hadn't come to terms with the fact that dad wasn't with us anymore. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked back my tears. I had lost my 'Superhero' and there wouldn't be any magic in store for me, but I wouldn't give up so easily.

I knew that mom was finding it impossible to make ends meet and Ali was also trying his best to provide, but how could my marriage be a solution to all our problems?

"Aleena don't you realise that Ali has just stepped out of university? It isn't easy for him to shoulder up all the financial responsibilities."


She gritted her teeth, 'What is wrong with Isaac? His eyes have always shone with love for you."

"Love? Have you lost your mind?"

"Don't tell me that you haven't noticed."

"Haania let's end this conversation right here."

"But why?" She threw her hands in annoyance.

"I and Isaac cannot be anything more than friends."

"Fine. Then I don't see the need to discuss the matter any further," She raised her hands in an act of surrender, "If you have already made up your mind then it's not my place to say anything further."

I got up from my place and hugged her, "Don't think too much."

She nodded her head.

A waiter approached the table with a menu, "What would you ladies have?"

Haania replied between clenched teeth, "Two cold coffees please."

I interrupted her, "What about lunch?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Haania you ----'

I was interrupted by a small girl who came up to the table and said, "Can I click a picture with you?"

I looked at her confused, "Why?"

"Because my mom thinks that you are the host of her favourite tv show."

"What?" I was flabbergast as the sudden flash of light passed through my face.

"Aren't you?"

I shook my head and was about to solve the confusion when the child ran away frightened and the woman who had clicked my picture followed suit.

"What is going on?" I screeched.

"I'm sure it's some confusion, forget about them," haania replied calmly.

I nodded my head, but wasn't convinced in the least and was sure that this wasn't the first time in recent days that I felt like there was someone following me. I felt goosebumps travel through my arms and hugged myself to stop the extreme fear that coursed through me.

We sipped our coffee in profound silence for the next few minutes and when none of us made any effort to break it, I got up from my place,  "Haania I'll meet you tomorrow."

I headed for the door and haania reluctantly pursued.

We reached the taxi stand and tumbled into the back seat.

When the car pulled in front of her building, Haania turned to me, "Will you come in?"

"Next time InshaAllah."

She looked at me for a moment, it seemed like she wanted to say something, but then shook her head and got out.

I watched her as she walked into the foyer and then the car began gaining speed, it came to an absolute halt a few seconds later outside my house.

As soon as I entered the house, I noticed Ali and mom engaged in a deep conversation, but as soon as they spotted me their expression turned blank and the discussion ended abruptly. It seemed a bit odd but nonetheless, I went to my room without inquiring the reason for their weird behaviour.

I threw my backpack on the side table and slumped on the bed. I felt so tired and stressed out that I just wanted to sleep, but I had to offer my prayers.

Prayers are very important. Just like the body needs food, our soul needs prayers for their survival.

I urged myself to pray and after that began browsing through my books,  but the sound of footsteps nearing my bedroom made me glance towards the source, "How was your day?" Mom questioned uneasily as it was common knowledge that after dad's demise there was no happiness left within me and I always ended up looking sombre.

"It was good Alhamdulillah," I replied cheerfully, hoping to ward off her worry.

"Sweetheart, can I ask you something?'

"Of course you can. That's such a silly question."

She sat the edge of my bed and I stood there waiting for her to speak, 'Aleena, have you made up your mind about getting married?"

"Oh mom, please don't bring that up."

"What is the reason for your refusal. Ali tells me that he is a perfect match."

"I don't care about him being perfect. I won't marry him."


"Whoever," I was on the brink of crying and I bit my lips to stop disgracing myself.

'Aleena, it's natural to freak out initially, but I'm sure you'll like the person when you meet him. His family will be visiting us next week and you can make up your mind after that."

The admission made me feel bitter, as I realised that Isaac had not taken the pains to let his parents know that it was not going to work out between us.

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