Chapter 16~

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Over the next couple of hours, I and Lissa were occupied, discovering our surrounding's.

We explored the town and reached the long road that ran downhill to the historic seafront, which In winter was crowded because of the modern holiday centre with its filled watershoots and garnish colours. This place surely attracted a lot of tourists.

The place was filled with laughter and chattering noises from a large number of kids gathered on the beach. Few were playing in the water, whereas other children were busy building sand-castles.

One small little boy, who was not more than four years old, was busy building a beautiful sand-castle, a little away from the shoreline. As soon as he finished building it, he started jumping out of sheer joy and his parents started clapping to make him feel proud. But not later than five minutes a huge wave came and gobbled up the castle.

The poor little boy burst into fits of tears.

I frantically began searching my handbag for chocolates to hand it over to the boy, but within seconds I heard the little boy give a squeal of delight.

I was flabbergasted when I raised my vision in the boy's direction.

Aahil was already beside the boy trying his skills in rebuilding the castle.

Who knew a billionaire would play in the sand with some random little boy on the beach, just to bring a smile on the child's face.

If Aahil thought he had a heart of steel then he surely failed miserably in executing the fact and all such minute gesture's which he did solely for the benefit of other's, made him more of a man than he could ever think he was.

The rest of the day was as pleasurable as it could be. This place possessed a sleepy charm, the water washing the sandy beach was deep blue and not mirky from the silt like it was in the cities.

The countryside, could not be equalled, it was wrapped in a cold anorak and it gave such a magical effect to the beauty of nature.

I enjoyed ambling along the quiet rural lanes and through the silent woods, it was a tranquillity-restoring walk.

If earth possessed such calmness, peace and beauty then I couldn't help but wonder how wonderfully Allah might have created the heaven's and hoped that I had done enough good deeds to be a Jannat.

This is a temporary enjoyment, I reminded myself firmly, no matter how much this place beckoned or offered a diversion from my current affairs, I couldn't suppress the empty feeling that kept nagging my conscience. I  would never have a happy married life. Suddenly, a Quranic verse came to my mind Verily in the remembrance of Allah does heart find peace.

"I am driving to the laboratory," Aahil informed the next morning, looking stupendous in his black suit and immaculate white shirt as I met him in his act of walking down the stairs.

"I'm doing an interview with the media regarding the new medicine we are developing and I want you with me," he told me peremptorily.

"Why? Nervous about speaking to the camera on your own?" I couldn't help quipping in response.

A censuring lift of an eyebrow and the slight curve of his lips assured me that he was amused.

Well, why would Aahil ever be nervous? Self-confidence emanated from him in waves. He handled everything with such supreme ease.

"Give me ten minutes," I said, fancying the idea that he had asked me to accompany him.

I had to hold my breath as I walked past him and inhaled the air of clean, fresh vitality surrounding him and he muttered, "Make it five."

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