Chapter 44

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Startled by the sudden bright glow, I blinked several times and shielded my eyes by closing my lids shut.

Flickering in and out of consciousness, I knew nothing about what had taken place from the time of my blackout, other than the fact that I felt alarmingly scared.

I tried focusing my gaze but felt too dizzy to do so. I could only see a blurred vision of a luxurious room.
I groaned and stretched but I was unable to get myself to sitting position, let alone lift my hands or legs.

There was shuffling of the keys and footsteps of a person entering the room.

I tried listening to their conversation but my clouded brain could register nothing.

"How could you make such a wrong move....."

"I couldn't handle the pressure any longer."

A loud sound of something crashing against the wall, "You fool."

"Stop blaming me. She is going to help us."

I heard various parts of their conversation but all of it seemed meaningless.

"What if that rich brat comes to realise that his cellphone is missing?"

"It was only gone for thirty minutes to be precise, and during which he had been extremely engrossed in workings of his new project."

"Does it mean he will never realise that you used his phone."

"Even if he perceives it, he won't be able to do anything that can help him or harm us."

"Never underestimate your enemies."

All the sentences were foreign to me and I was sure that it wasn't associated with me in any way.

The only feeling that ran through me was of fear, but even that didn't make any sense.

Who was I scared of?

Or moreover who was I?

I tried screaming for help, but no sound would escape my lips. The feeling was numbness was so overpowering that it felt almost impossible to be able to do anything ever again.

"Aaaa---" I only gaped like a dying fish and swallowed a mouthful of oxygen. I felt two clinical hands probing me, examining me.

I struggled for long hours until I felt too exhausted to do it anymore.

I craved the bliss of not knowing or understanding anything. I welcomed the peaceful sleep overwhelm me as a syringe was withdrawn from my hand, slightly wincing at the pain that shot through my body.

My mind tuned out the whispers and irrelevant talks as I sank back to the soft warmth of the cushions and lost myself in a world of forgetfulness.


"Mrs Hussain, Can you hear me?"

I tried opening my lids, but it felt too heavy. I wanted to tell the person that I could hear her but felt too drowsy to do so.

I gave up the struggle and laid still when I realised that it was a waste of time to try to move. I rather began concentrating on the sounds that enveloped me.

"I think the medication he gave her was too high."

Panic welled up inside me.

"But he had no other choice. If he wouldn't have mixed them in the juice then she wouldn't have lost consciousness and it would have been a real nightmare to bring her here."

"I don't think so. She is a softie."

"Believe me she can be a real tigress at times. I have watched her closely and have had the honour of knowing how smart she is. She has a perfect instinct."

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