Chapter 45

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Salaam my lovely readers,

I would really love to know your opinion of 'Honeydew.'

The emotions that ran through you as the chapters turned more intense. I had my heart beating frantically the whole time. Your comments mean the world to me.

Enjoy the chapter <3

I woke up knowing who I was, and it was a huge relief not to have to pressurise myself with questions, the answers of which my mind did not possess.

If I would have asked someone else for my identity it would have only led to mockery.

Now, that all things were crystal clear the panic inside me was only increasing with intensity.

Instinctively, I raised my hands to my abdomen and promised my little one that I would protect it from the evil of the world.

I had to think fast and come up with a plan to get out of here or to get in touch with Aahil.

I missed him terribly.

The fear of taken hostage wasn't as great as the pain of being separated from Aahil. His absence made my life seem empty and the ache in my heart would only be healed in the warmth of his embrace.

I hoped that I would have the privilege of confessing my feelings to him.

I sighed deeply and looked around the room. I tried moving my limbs, which wouldn't even budge an inch. Tears welled up in my eyes and began flowing on their own accord.

I laid still after trying for hours to move, there was no way I could escape from this place if I couldn't even get myself to sitting position.

I did not wish for Aahil come and rescue me, this place was too dangerous. The people involved in this were cruel and had no mercy in them.

I kept praying fervently for Aahil's and my families safety.

But, at the same time, I did not wish to die. I wasn't going to lose hope until I fought this battle to its very end.

I strongly believed that only good could overcome evil.

I heard footsteps approaching the door, the shuffling of the keys got louder and I closed my eyes tightly shut.

Fear gripped my heart and my throat went dry. My heart began beating rapidly and I wished to see who had entered the room but was too scared to do so.

The footsteps halted at my bedside, "She hasn't still regained her senses, if her medical condition does not improve then she isn't of much help," The woman said blandly.

"I wish that she never regains her consciousness, it will make me the happiest woman of this planet," It was Safa's voice, which was filled with vile. Which meant that not one, but two women were present in the room.

My curiosity was getting the better of me. I had to see who the other woman was as the voice sounded so very familiar.

"Shut up, Safa. I shouldn't have accompanied you in the first place. You are just a nuisance. No doubt your father never approves of you."

"Save yourself the insult. I bet Aahil will be pleased to throw you out when he realises what you have done."

"Aahil will never ever come to know. He is such a fool, goes about thinking that the world is filled with candies and rainbows."

"I'll make sure to let him know that you are one of our master planners and I'll be pleased to see him breakdown."

"Do whatever you desire, but you will achieve nothing," She left the room in haste. The thud of her heels on the hard wooden floorboard was deafening. "Safa, don't allow yourself to be in fool's paradise. Nothing is going to make Aahil love you once again," She then left the room with renowned fury.

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