Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes to find everyone gathered around my bed.

"How are you feeling?" Mom inquired, her voice laced with concern.

I simply blinked my eyes, unable to comprehend the situation. Had I suddenly fainted? It was almost laughable.

"Mom, do you think that she needs to see the doctor?" Ali questioned as he made himself comfortable beside me.

I shook my head, "I'm perfectly fine."

"No, you aren't. Look how pale you have turned. This is the reason I don't support you studying further, you totally forget to look after yourself."

I groaned out loud, "Mom---not again," My eyes peered through the pillow that covered my face from her threatening glare. After a few angry outbursts, she made her way to the kitchen to bring me a hearty meal.

"Aleena, I have seen that you look very stressed lately. What's the matter?" Ali probed.

My mind wandered back to those incredible pair of eyes and I shuddered. For a moment I felt like confiding the secret I carried but I did not wish to worry my family unnecessarily, "It's nothing," I replied meekly.

"Are you sure?" He narrowed his gaze.

My eyes focused on his concerned features and I looked intently at his profile, he had been a handsome boy during teenage, to which grim determination was added over the years and it made him look all the more handsome.

He had been very naughty as a boy and had also rebelled during his teen years. A number of times dad had been angry on him for being reckless. How I wished dad was here now, to witness what a wonderful son Ali was and how brilliantly he had accepted his responsibilities.

A slow smile spread across my face and I nodded my head convincingly, "I'm sure it's because I haven't been faithful to my food. Mom is right this time."

He patted my shoulders, "Take care of yourself and you can speak to me if something bothers you," He smiled before making his way out, shutting the door gently behind him.

The room grew silent and the intensity of my heartbeat increased. Nothing made sense to me. Why would anyone keep a tab of our house? Who was that person in the backyard?

Any of my calculations did not help solve the mystery and after a lot of tossing and turning my mind finally drifted to sleep.


I had finished my morning routine and was about to slip on my abaya when I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door.

Ayath entered looking smug and I inquired the reason for her current state, "Something is seriously wrong," She whispered. I felt the goosebumps return with full force, "What do you mean?" I croaked.

Her eyes held mine for a few terrifying moments before she shook her head, "I need to get going."

The feeling of uneasiness settled in my heart and I stopped her from making an exit, "Ayath, what is it?"

"I'm scared," She replied flatly.

"Why?" I held my closed fists against my heart, "You can tell me."

She hesitated for a moment before she finally opened her mouth, "I feel someone watches our house." Ayath replied on the verge of tears, which was very unlike her, she never seemed to openly display her emotions.

My heart sank lower and I held onto the nearby dressing table to stop myself from blacking out once again, "What do you mean by that?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know how to put it, but there is someone in that black car who keeps staring at our house."

It meant that I wasn't hallucinating and that was a relief. But wait? It meant we were in trouble, "Ayath, did you tell this to Ali?" I questioned, trying to get a grip on my racing heart.

"I don't think it's necessary," She replied carelessly, chewing on her nails.

"Why? Don't you wish to worry him?"

She bit her lip, a faraway look in her eyes, "He already knows."

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