Chapter 33

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Salaam readers,

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"Aleena, how many times do I need to tell you not to soil your dress. You are six years old already, but you still act like you are two."

"Mama, I didn't make it dirty on purpose," I replied, my voice breaking.

"Weren't you informed that we have to attend a party and you weren't supposed to play in the backyard in your new outfit," She narrowed her eyes, "Therefore, you will not come along. Stay at home with aunt haazra."

I pouted my lips and began crying.

"Aunty Aisha, I'm sorry as it was my mistake that her dress got dirty. Aleena did not have the heart to play, I forced her to." Isaac said softly to my mom.

"Ummm...I'll forgive both of you this time. Aleena go to your room and get changed in a fraction of a second."

I ran gleefully to my room and took out my favourite blue Cinderella gown, slipped it onto myself, admired myself in the mirror and gave a wicked smile. I had purposely soiled my dress earlier because I wanted to change into this.

Later that day I asked Isaac why had he taken the blame on himself when clearly he hadn't forced me to play.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I cannot see you cry."


"Aleena, I'm speaking to you."

I raised my eyesight towards our school principal who was eyeing me suspiciously.

"Why didn't you submit your assignment?"

I stood there giving her a bored expression.

"Do you know that you are the only girl in the class who is extremely irresponsible."

"But ---"

"Do not create excuses, dear child."

"I promise to submit it tomorrow," I replied meekly, trying my best to sound sorry.

"I wish to see your assignment on my table at sharp eight in the morning."

"Thank you," I turned around and smiled internally.

"Along with your assignment, you shall submit your detention too."

"Detention?" My heart sank and I gave her an annoyed expression.

"Stop making such faces," She thundered, "You will write the same assignment thrice and submit all three of them in the morning."

The rest of the day in the school was spent sulking. I knew nothing about the particular mathematics assignment, it seemed like an impossible task.

After school, I hurried home and began working on my detention with a foul mood. I tried solving the puzzles and problems zealously but I wasn't able to solve even simple and basic problems, and I burst into uncontrollable tears.

Fortunately, and to my utter astonishment, Isaac visited my house sometime around dusk and handed me a completed assignment, along with two separate copies of the same.

I couldn't control my happiness and kept repeating that I'm extremely thankful for his help and I could never find a better friend than him.

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