Chapter 18~

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"Thanks for inviting her for coffee," Aahil said to Fredrick, his tone held a deep respect for the old man.

"Please don't be formal. It was my pleasure that she came to my small cafeteria," Aahil handed Fredrick his coffee bills and asked, "If there isn't a lot of customer's, could Aleena sit here for a few more minutes? I have an important task and it could take a few minutes of mine."

I sat there holding my half-empty coffee mug and flicking through the magazine's when Fredrick answered my earlier question, "It's been quite a time now that Aahil started handling things over here. But I must remark that it is his self-sacrifice that draws out loyalty from his staff. He will not ask anyone to do what he would not be prepared to do himself."

"He's always kept up with the family tradition in keeping himself aware of what's going on here, big as he's become. He hasn't forgotten who have been loyal to his family," He halted to give me a small smile of appreciation, "We have never seen him sit behind closed doors and relaxing, but he tries his best to work alongside other workers, he likes to keep himself involved with any problems or difficulties the men might face down here and always pays our due justly and in good time."

It was so overwhelming to hear good things about my husband.

My husband

Our blessed Prophet was very clear on this Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.

"Well, I guess you have been working here from a long time," I smiled, warming my hands around the hot mug, watching the steam rise, warm and aromatic on the air.

"It's been thirty years precisely," Frederick's tone suggested that he was proud of his job.

"Mr.Abdullah Hussain was the best employer any man could hope to work with. With some.....,' Frederick's shoulders lifted, his mouth pulling down derogatorily into deeper lines, "Wealth goes into their heads and they don't talk to the like of us. But he wasn't like that. And we all are pleased that Mr.Aahil Hussain is carrying on in the same way. Although, he has got double the energy and authority. Of course, he is younger but he surely knows how to handle things."

I sipped the remainder of my steaming coffee, my smile ruminative as I followed Frederick's gesture towards Aahil, who was taking brisk steps towards us.

Aahil was silent, the grim set of his mouth assuring me of his dark mood as I hurried to keep up with his long strides for the short distance to the car.

As we made our way, I noticed safwan at the far end of the parking lot. He was conversing and laughing his lungs out with the girl in a red suit, whom I had seen earlier.

Could that women be the reason for Rushda's troubled life?

But now wasn't the time as any, I decided, to dwell on those problems. Maybe sometime later when Aahil would be in a really good mood, I would ask his help to gain a solution to save Rushda's almost broken marriage.

Aahil was still not communicative as he negotiated the traffic, but when we were on the interior and not so inhabited lanes, heading towards the villa. He turned towards me, "Still angry?"

His question took me by surprise. Did it look that way? Was I the one who was angry?

"You are the one who is angry," I corrected him.

He discarded his coat on the back seat and said scathingly, "Asking a lot of questions, weren't you?" Suspicion burned in his eyes as he pulled with a fair amount of aggression, the spinning wheels kicking up dust.

"Why shouldn't I ask questions about my family if I want to?" I challenged indignantly.

He cast a sidelong glance at me "Your family?" he sneered, "If you considered yourself part of my family then you wouldn't have to aim questions at my employees."

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