Chapter 42

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Dedicated to henry5danger heavenvoice24 fmk350

I stepped into the bedroom wearing my bathrobe when a dizzy feeling enveloped me. It took a terrifying moment to steady myself and then I began rummaging my closet to find a decent pair of clothes when a package on the bed gained my attention.

Curious, I discarded my clothes on the couch and plopped down on the edge of the bed and opened the pack with slightly shivering hands.

The pack seemed very light and when I scanned its interior, it was a bit fascinating to find it filled with small colourful beads. I emptied the contents on my bed and wasn't surprised when a small sheet of folded paper came tumbling down.

I opened the paper and scanned the neat handwriting,

The countdown has begun, we haven't got all the time in the world, search the attic as it's the only place still left unsearched.

I re-read the message several times but was still unable to comprehend the message. Did it mean that the person knew that we had searched the whole house and hadn't found anything?

But how?

Naked fear crept through my body and I breathed deeply to stop the blinding panic.

There were only two people in my home whom I could suspect; Mrs Mariam and Noor. But then did I have to suspect Ali too? Could he do something so immoral?

I left out a deep sigh of helplessness.

Whatever the person might have tried to imply by the message he had sent, I couldn't take it lightly. I would have to search the attic but before that, I needed to offer my prayers, therefore, I quickly slipped into my grey salwar and spread my prayer mat, fixing my hijab and concentrating completely on my prayers.

When I had finished, I felt a lot calmer and I continued reading the Holy Quran but slight movement in the creak of the door had me halt my actions.

Raising my gaze didn't gift me, therefore, I returned to the verse I had been reading, but the eerie sound of rubber slippers was making me nervous. I closed the copy of the Quran that I had been holding, gently keeping it on the nightstand. I flung the door widely open and recoiled momentarily.

He was peering through the door and I was taken aback by the sudden sight of him.


"I'm sorry, Aleena. I thought you heard my knock." I was taken aback by the outright lie and stood to scrutinize him.

He was still in his pyjamas and it was pretty obvious that he hadn't been sleeping till so late in the day. His face looked like he hadn't slept from ages, the dark circles were prominently displayed for all to see, his hair looked like he had run his hands several times through them and had succeeded in making them a true mess. So the question was what was he up to?

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by your room and thought of checking on your health."

I glared at him hoping to make him uneasy.

"What?" He asked throwing his hands in the air.

"I don't believe you."

"And may I know the reason," His face was etched with worry and forehead creased with wrinkles.

Should I tell him that I had witnessed him sneaking into dad's study?

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