Chapter 37

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Salaam readers,

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to shower loads of love.

Your wonderful comments keep me alive ;)

"Ready?" Aahil raised his eyebrows and I nodded my head as I secured my hijab, glancing at my reflection before I fetched my purse from the side table.

Aahil reached out his hand and I held his firm grip as we walked the length of the lobby.

"Stay right here I'll get the car," He was continuously jiggling the car keys and a grim expression was permanently pasted on his handsome face.

Suddenly, an elderly woman who had a very small baby wrapped in a beautiful pink blanket slipped and fell. On instinct, I reached forward to catch her. At that moment, from across the parking lot, two loud shots rang out, one of them smashing into the wall behind me.

The explosion startled the poor baby and it began wailing quite loudly and the nerves women clung to me. I did not mind her sudden clinging, but before she loosened her grip she gave a lopsided smile and pressed a small folded sheet of paper into my hands.

I kept staring at the woman and it took me a while longer to realise that Aahil was leaning against his car and his shirt was soaked with blood.

"Yaa ALLAH." I screeched.

"It isn't time to panic. Let's get out of here this instance," Aahil said curtly.

I stood rooted to the spot, my mouth hanging wide open. In a blink of a second Aahil had got shot and he was asking me not to panic.

I gathered courage and reached out to touch him but he propelled forward and pulled open the car door and urged me to get in. I tumbled into the driver's seat as Aahil folded himself into the passenger's seat. I had to wipe my hands several times as they were damp from perspiration. I had a hard time keeping up with my driving skills as I was too shaken and my heartbeat raced to an unbearable extent.

None among us began a conversation as we were too unnerved to speak.

Finally, Aahil said, "It clearly was a move to scare us," As he turned to me, I was still trying to regain composure.

I took a deep breath and increased car speed. I glanced into the rear window and noticed the familiar black jaguar following us with intensity.

As I went ahead, I had to stop the car as a policeman was directing traffic.

I began hyperventilating and tightened my grip on the steering. Aahil folded his hands on my arm and gave me a faint smile, "Aleena, calm down and listen carefully."

I nodded my head in approval.

"I do not want you to make any move when the traffic light turns green."

"What? Why?"

"Just do as I say, wait until the light changes to amber and then make a quick move."

I turned to look at him, "Wh--hat?"


I bit my lower lip and did not bother to reply.

The light changed to green and the vehicles swam through and I stood there still, clutching the steering and giving an apologetic expression to the people who threw tantrums for blocking their way.

As soon as the light turned from green to amber Aahil shouted, "Now!"

I made a fast right turn, just then the light turned red and the vehicles behind me was stopped by the policemen.

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